Music is often just a medium, utilized by artists, to paint a vivid picture in the minds of the listener. As a listener, often you can be caught off guard by the artists ability to do so. In the song fast car by Tracy Chapman, the incredible singer/songwriter will do just that. She will render an image so graphic, and so dramatic, that you will swear that you were walking in the shoes of the woman she sings about in her song. The gracefully flowing melody and emotionally evolving lyrics transport you through an undeniably extraordinary journey of joy and sorrow, all within the confines of a four minute and fifty-nine second song.
Fast Car by Tracy Chapman is a powerful song about a young woman who is endeavoring to make it by in life. She is living a very poor, and underprivileged lifestyle, her father is an alcoholic, and her mother withdrew from her life to make a better life for herself. Unfortunately, that is the only thing that this young woman wants to do, make a better life for herself. With her father being sick and stuck to the bottle, she is forced to drop out of school and take care of him. Dreaming of running away and starting a new life was the only thing that was keeping her going.
Within the first two verses of the song, this young woman presents an issue that is all too common for many people. She has big dreams and wants to make a name for herself, but to succumb to making that dream a reality, she would have to desert the loved ones that have made
The song "Fast" by Luke Bryan was released in 2015 on the album Kill the Lights. This song is important to me because it was the first song that made me like country, made me realize things, and to enjoy life.
All her memories of the night before are starting to come back to her. The line “It’s not enough to face your own regrets” (line 7) alludes to things she may have said or done and now wishes she could take it back. She is remembering the words that she spoke. Or could this be the words that someone else said to her? (Though they’re coming back fast, the things you said)” (line 8). The words that were said and the actions that were done start to come back into focus and the speaker is left to wallow in her remorse. She realizes the words and actions are not something that can be taken back. All the speaker can do is clean up the messes that has been made, think about the words that were spoken and how they led to the end of her
I was struck by how her lyrics can make you feel really deep. Hence, it makes me wonder what is the actual meaning of this song. Is it about cars? or something else? In the lyrics that I mentioned above - It basically relates to a girl (which could be Tracy) who wants to go out from where she is at and have a better life. She started from nothing so she wouldn’t
The song I picked for this homework assignment is called Runaway Love by Ludacris and Mary J. Blige. The song is describing the hardships of three young girls and their struggle to survive. Finally, the girls are fed up with the lives they are forced to live and decide to pack up their things and run away. I think this song can relate to many aspects of sociology that we have learned in class. Some examples shown through the song are poverty, education, healthcare, marriage and family. All three girls’ different stories and struggles they face.
Throughout Kanye West’s prolific career, he has possessed an intricate sound that has separated him from his hip-hop counterparts. After the immense praise he received on his breakout album, College Dropout, it was no surprise that Kanye West would perform at the same level on his second album, Late Registration. West presented an innovative and soulful sound to the hip-hop industry, earning individuals’ ears and hearts.With lyrics that discussed themes of poverty, drug abuse, and domestic issues and samples that provided a sense of nostalgia, Kanye West was steadily transforming into a political icon far beyond the means of his hip-hop artistry. With such empowering and sincere lyrics, Kanye West served as the voice of historically marginalized people, whose voices were seemingly unheard before. In the song “Drive Slow,” West’s guidance and empowering message remained evident, as he joined forces with GLC and Paul Wall to create a soulful song that offered assistance on how to overcome barriers in life. Through the use of suggestive details, figurative language, and vivid storytelling, West utilizes the automobile culture to assert how individuals can achieve success of every field of human endeavor through constant efforts in the right direction. In addition, he also attempts to convey that one must “drive slow” in a car in order to appreciate the environment that consists outside of the automobile. West creates a double entendre of the word “drive slow,” expressing that
Throughout Kanye West’s prolific career, he has always possesses a intricate sound that has separated him from his hip-hop counterparts during the early twenty first century. After the explosion and phenomenal praise he received on his breakout album, College Dropout, it was no surprise that Kanye West would perform the same with his second album. West presented a innovative and soulful sound to the hip-hop industry, garnishing fans ears and hearts.With lyrics that discussed themes of poverty, drug abuse, and domestic issues, and samples that provided a sense of nostalgia, Kanye West was steadily transforming into a political icon far beyond the means of his artistry. With such empowering and sincere lyrics, Kanye West served as the voice of historically marginalized people who often were stripped from their voices. In the song Drive Slow, West’s guidance and empowering message remained evident, as he joined forces with GLC and Paul Wall to create a soulful and mellow that helped to get people through with their day. Through the use of suggestive details, figurative language, vivid storytelling, and repetition, West utilizes automobile culture to metaphorically assert how individuals can achieve success of every field of human endeavor through constant efforts in right direction. In addition, he also attempts to convey that one must “drive slow” in a car in order to appreciate the environment that consists outside of the automobile. West creates a double entendre of the word
In Tracy Chapman's song "fast car", the speaker deals with her reality and longs for a better life situation. By using the metaphor "fast car", she wants to describe an incisive moment in her life. The woman supports this with words which are associated with this conveyance and talks about the escape from her old, deadlocked life to a new place, where she wants to be able to start all over again.
This song is a wakeup call for America to set a better example for the next generation. People are hurting other people. Some are paranoid of what will happen next. Life should not be scary, but there are people afraid to walk out and be among the chaos. Everybody is against one another, and they are not willing to compromise. “It’s time we stop” and look at what we are doing and what has become of us. There are wars for ignorant reasons, there are people hurting, there are innocent children watching, WAKE UP AMERICA! The riots and wars are not worth all of this pain and suffering.
Ludacris does a remarkable job of portraying his message about the struggles that some adolescents are faced with. “Runaway Love”, by Ludacris, featuring Mary J. Blige (2007), represents the theme of struggle through hip-hop and rap music. It is about little girls who are “stuck up in the world on their own.” They have to take care of themselves because the people they are around do not care about them. They range from nine to eleven years in age, and their goal in life, at such a young age, is to run away from home. Ludacris is trying to get the listener to realize the struggles that even children have to face because adults are not the only ones who have problems, like most people believe. He is very successful in
To find yourself is one of life’s greatest challenges, the person we are meant to be isn’t always obvious to us. There are several of us still searching for it. For Deena Jones in Dreamgirls, she was pushed to find a voice she didn’t think she had anymore. Deena hardly expressed herself due to the fear of rejection. This is an explicit meaning of a woman who thought she knew what she wanted, but she is faced with the choice of living her dream or finding her voice. Deena had an impossible choice to make. As a matter of fact, Condon did excellent in showing us how Deena made her choice and found her voice with the scene of her singing “Listen,” and I’m going to tell you why.
When she realizes her imperfections are valuable, she has a whole new outlook on her life, which fills her with hope and motivates her to become a better version of herself. The tone in this song reflects a feeling of being content with one's self-image because she finally wonders "why [should she] waste a second not loving who [she is] (Bedingfield 10)? This realization is what brings her out of her depression, concerning what she looks like, to the decision of embracing her appearance because she is beautiful no matter what society
To start off, the first stanza in her song represents a sense of how unavoidable change is and how the confusion of the bond combined with the stress of the blame game can lead to a doomed
The first line of the song, “I’m gonna make a change for once in my life” (Ballard and Garrett), helps set the stage for the entire song. The lyrics are very straight forward, speaking about a man seeing the world around him and how it needs to change. The only way to start to change, is to look at yourself and start within. “I'm starting with the man in the mirror… I’m asking him to change his ways… and no message could have been any clearer… if you want to make the world a better place… take a look at yourself, and then make a change” (Garrett and Ballard), is the chorus to the song that refers to a man knowing the world around him is suffering and by taking the first step will help change not only himself but can help contribute to his environment. In order to make a difference in the world, you must start small and start with yourself. The song speaks about is about people suffering and how cruel our world can be. People only care about
The tone of stanza 2 in Tracy Chapmans “Fast car” is reassuring because in lines (10-16) chapman wrote, “I got a plan to get us out of here / you and I can both get jobs / won’t have to drive to far / finally see what it means to be living. These lines she wrote, Tracy chapman removes the doubt of not being able to leave with the assurance of being able by saying hey I got a job, I was able to save a little money; let’s leave and see what it’s like to live.Now most would say that the tone of this is hopeful, because of lines (10-16) managed to save just a little bit of money / won’t have to drive to far / you and I can get both jobs. I can see how it could be hopeful, but at the same time she’s not being optimistic about the future. Chapman
Comprehending her lyrics, one may perceive from the understanding that her intended audience is actually anyone who may be feeling the same way as her and the effect in which she wishes to have upon them is to be like her in the