
Analysis Of Father And Son In Arthur Miller's Death Of A Salesman

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Father and son, a cherished bond built on a balance between communication and vital support. In Arthur Miller’s classic playwright, Death of a Salesman, the establishment of said relationships, or in some cases lack of said relationship, is seen throughout the theatrical work. Miller’s vivid use of flashbacks helps exemplify his true intent in writing such a hauntingly realistic story of internal loss of self identity and worth reflected in family relations.Although many do not realize these happenings all begin with Willy’s relationship with his estranged father. Willy’s abandonment by his father at a fairly young age further stints his maturity and sadly passes this onto his own sons somewhat clarifying his poor parenting “skills”. …show more content…

Biff’s brief idolization of his father is depicted throughout these flashbacks revealing how Biff promised “this Saturday, Pop, this Saturday-just for you, I’m going to break through for a touchdown (Miller 19)”. Miller illustrates how Willy is seen reflecting on past memories in order to cope with his current lack of success. Meanwhile, Biff is constantly dealing with inner turmoil concerning his father’s affair, as well as, his own lack of success. Their relationship is under constant strain due to Biff’s father’s lack of willingness to accept reality instead of begrudgingly holding onto the past. As seen in the beginning when Biff’s old trophies are seen still placed upon a shelf as if to reminisce the few times they were seen as “successful”. This doesn’t last long before Biff finally has had enough exclaiming “Pop! I’m a dime a dozen, and so are you!...Will you let me go, for Christ’s sake? Will you take that phony dream and burn it (Miller 106)”. Through Biff’s desperate diction the contrast in their relationship illustrated by the flashbacks shows quite prominently just how quickly a bond can be diminished if not showing the proper emotions much like Willy did not.Comparatively, Willy’s relationship with his youngest son, Happy, is even more so underdeveloped. Happy’s constant need for that fatherly attention, as well as, approval is seen to show in both current time and flashbacks. Going so far as lying to his father in

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