
Analysis Of Keeping Close To Home By Gloria Watkins

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Sometimes, “It’s not WHAT you know, it’s WHO you know”. Many college students can relate to this famous quote, the moment they departure from home for the very first time. Moving away by attending college influences students to hide or change the values they were raised with.The sudden transition of becoming independent can not only be difficult for students but for families as well. As seen in the article by Gloria Watkins’ “Keeping Close to Home,” a young woman is trapped between trying to follow the culture her family bestowed upon her, to suddenly having to adapt to the atmosphere of college. Watkins claims that attending college helped her build a stronger relationship with her family, but most importantly she was able to comprehend their …show more content…

In many instances there might not be compliance because people have different values and perspectives of life. Watkins used communication as a tool in which she can comprehend her family’s actions of being so controlling and skeptical towards her actions. Watkins utilizes a simile to emphasize the importance of how communication is a method “of (sharing) resources”(Watkins 60). Through such practice she was able to express to her perspective of the value of what education is to her, helping her parents understand how it provided Watkins “the groundwork for much of (her) thinking, writing, and being” (Watkins 59). By awarding “admiration and nourishment” parents can grow to comprehend the actions of their children witnessing their growth into adulthood. It is custom for many minority groups such as Hispanics and African Americans to have a strong sense of community and connection. When although Watkins emphasizes the importance of self-discovery. Universities attempt to construct different cultural communities for people to feel close to home but also be able to identify themselves as unique. People often detach from their background when set in academic situations because they subconsciously or consciously get used to the principal way of thinking, the academic …show more content…

It is challenging for parents to adapt having a child who decides to change their class experience and background. Watkins decides to attend a prestigious university because she is at advantage of becoming a complete new person by escaping the atmosphere of the working class. Growing up from a low socioeconomic background Watkins was able to witness the “diligence and hard work” (Watkins 60) her parents put into their labors so she would have the opportunity to access books. Although it became difficult for Watkins to share with them the various skills and talents she was gaining from college and textbooks because it would otherwise give the impression she was being arrogant. I believe people tend to carry their families culture and believes within themselves because when they are secluded away, their only confront is to start behaving like them so they feel like “home”. Educational institutions benefit from various diversities because more people will feel comfortable in seeking higher education giving the school a touch of

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