
Analysis Of Kindness Contagious By Zaki Jamil

Satisfactory Essays

While my friend was working on her project inside the studio, I walked in there and distracted her with a gigantic cupcakes. I told her it’s time for a cupcake and she should eat it before she’s getting too serious with the project. After I gave her the cupcake, she handed me back some snakes and water, this proved that the article “Kindness Contagious” by Zaki Jamil is true, I didn’t expect she would give me anything back as a return. Aftering doing this experiment, not only that it proved my hypothesis is true but I also discovered that kindness is really contagious. I felt really good that she appreciated my kindness, even though what she gave me was a snacks and water but it actually made me feels really good that there’s people who is

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