
Analysis Of Kundera 's The Joke

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In 1945 soviet troops entered Czechoslovakia in Prague. With them they brought political and social principles established by Joseph Stalin and with it came totalitarianism. Kundera’s The Joke caused a lot of controversy within Czechoslovakia during the communist era because Kundera criticizes the elements of this totalitarian society in a satiric manner because totalitarian communism was unable to fulfill its promises. Although Kundera supported the communist party, he does not hesitate to show the party’s shortcomings through the main character, Ludvik Jahn. It all starts as a joke when Ludvik writes a postcard to a girl that he liked, “Optimism is the opium of the people! A healthy atmosphere stinks of stupidity! Ludvik.” (Milan Kundera). This is the first “joke” of the novel. The postcard is read by some of his colleagues and to his misfortune, they do not see the humor behind it and because of it Ludvik is kicked out of the college he attended, as well as the communist party he belonged to and is drafted to the military and also is forced to work in the mines for many years. The reason why this quote was so controversial was because even though Ludvik might have been kidding, the quote was still a criticism of totalitarian rule. What it essentially meant was that the Czech people were naïve enough to feel positive about the political situation even though staying positive does not change the political negative circumstances. Some of the Czech people were following the

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