
Analysis Of ' Leaf By Niggle ' Through Niggle 's Journey

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Kant argues that beauty is symbolic of morality. Beauty represents morality through the appreciation of artwork and nature. The more we appreciate beauty the more we appreciate others and ourselves; thus beauty begins to shape morality. The power beauty has on moral judgment is demonstrated in “Leaf by Niggle” through Niggle’s journey. As Niggle advances through the different stages of his artwork, he develops a greater sense of appreciation for the pieces he created. Niggle’s development creates a concern about his past character and his previous actions towards his neighbor Parish. Parish arguably represents a different take on Kant’s main ideas. Parish demonstrates that moral judgment is symbolic of beauty through the development of his moral character. Tolkien wants his readers to recognize the importance artwork has on moral judgment through the appreciation and acceptance of beauty, as well as the moral influence on beauty. Beauty is seen as symbolic of morality through Niggle and Parish’s journey; both Niggle and Parish develop in different ways. Niggle uses his artwork to grow morally and understand kindness and consideration while Parish, who has established his morals already, uses Niggle’s picture to learn to appreciate art and nature. Eventually their appreciation for one another and beauty is equal. Kant argues that beauty is symbolic of morality. Werner S. Pluhar states, “Only man is capable of an ideal of beauty, and the ideal involves the concept of man’s

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