
Analysis Of Liz Marlante's Beliefs Of Political Parties

Decent Essays

Liz Marlantes beliefs of political parties is more accurate due to her reasoning which can also be observed by watching current government actions and government aliments. One of the first things that points out is ideological segregation. “Inside Red- and –Blue America” she points out that over recent years that American has become more one sided when voting. Straight ticket voting by American votes has risen, either Democrats or Republicans are chosen. Even those that claim independent from parties choose Democrats or Republicans. On today’s larger geographic even states tend to lean one way or the other. This tendency to lean towards whatever fit your values has divided the nation into only two schools of thought. Given how people chooses …show more content…

This extreme belief system has created a separation of people within America. Where most of people become divided and joint political parties according to Marlantes is on the topic of big government, global affairs, taxes, Americans safety nets and many other issues. When people’s values conflict with what is happening around them, they quick try to find the group or political parity that will support or come close to what they believe in. In Liz’s work she tell of how the current split in America is due to the verifying cultures. According to her this unusual split is caused by people’s values and morals. Because Republicans tend to be white Americans that go to church and Democrats tend to be whites that don’t go to church it is easy to lean toward the party that reflects your values and morals. Because the partisan is so deep between the two parties there is no middle ground for those who are usually unbiased or don’t associate with a political parity. They are instead forced to side with one side or the other. These parties have become a culture on their own. It is easy to see how a person who lives in exurban place, with a collage education are usually Republican and a person how lives in a unban city and has a Graduate degree supports Democrats. These factors of place, money, view, morals, and values have slowly created a deep divide with in our society and our political …show more content…

Unlike Liz, Morris sees the nation as being divided into two voting blocs with a few swing states. His counters the cultural war” with evidence that shows everything about this wars is false and made up. “The culture war metaphor refers to a displacement of the classic economic conflicts that animated twentieth-century politics in the advanced democracies by newly emergent moral and cultural ones” (Morris). This with the mix of news agencies who created a sense of cultural war on television changed the way people looked at each party, but unreality this war didn’t exists. According to Morris journalist like David Border wrote “The divide went deeper than politics” Morris points to databases as one form of evidence. The works found in these databases show overemphasis and are mostly made up by journalists and politicos. These activists that advocate or believe that there is a cultural war are mistaken and are not largely supported by many Americans. Eighty to Ninety percent of people are actually moderates and don’t have extreme ideologically beliefs. They instead show tolerance and middle grounded view of politics. For example the when Republicans found out that large number of their supporters are tolerant of homosexuality, they were

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