
Analysis Of Logan Feys 'The Sociology Of Leopard Man'

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Lydia Maria Child once said, “Nature made us individuals, as she did the flowers and the pebbles; but we are afraid to be peculiar, and so our society resembles a bag of marbles, or a string of mold candles.” Conformity can be defined as compliance with standards, rules, or laws. Social conformity is described as one who follows the majority's desires or standards in society. Leopard Man, originally named Tom Leppard who is covered in tattoos of leopard spots from head to toe, is not considered a conformist. Unlike many other conformist, Leopard Man does not seek for society’s approval, he lives far away from others in order to live peacefully, and has permanently tattooed himself as a leopard for his personal pleasures. One should believe Leopard Man is a non-conformist because he chose to segregate himself from the general public. In the article, “The Sociology of Leopard Man”, the author Logan Feys asserts, “He lives in Solitude… Spends most of his time in a small cabin in the Scottish wilderness.” (Par. 3). By looking at the text, the audience can learn that because Leopard Man has isolated himself from society in order to live in solitude, clearly he does not want much to do with society, consequently, there is not much for him to conform to. It is essential to note …show more content…

The author claims, “Leopard Man, however, is no ordinary freak. He doesn’t live for other people’s reactions.” (Feys, Par. 3) In this example, readers can take away that Leopard Man does not burden himself with the approval and opinions of society. This demonstrates why Leopard Man is a non-conformist for the fact that he does not vie for the acceptance of society compared to conformists who live their life based on what society accepts and approves of. The evidence suggests that it is very unlikely for Leopard Man to be a conformist because the standpoint of society is irrelevant to

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