
Analysis Of Margaret Atwood's Significant Moments In The Life Of My Mother

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A series of stories from her mother’s life creates whimsical and vivid images for one’s mind. In “Significant Moments in the Life of My Mother” by Margaret Atwood, a daughter retells many intriguing stories throughout her mother’s lifetime; from the time her mother accidentally killed the baby chicks to the day where a cat peed on her. Likewise the daughter, who also serves as the narrator, mentions moments from her own life and the contrast between her and her mother’s time period. Although the story has no moral, it grabs the attention of the reader due to the imagery, storytelling, and theme of generational differences. Margaret Atwood effectively utilizes imagery all through the story. The daughter illustrates her mother’s house by saying “My mother’s family lived in a large white house…in the kitchen there was a pantry” and “In this house there many rooms…can be half-heard even today” (Atwood 3). Through the use of metaphors and similes, the readers are able to visualize …show more content…

Throughout the series of stories, the narrator often changes the mood. “This is the story of the hay wagon…I thought our last moment had come” (Atwood 12). As a result, the daughter instills the factors of suspense and danger which leaves the audience solicitous to find out what happens at the end of the hay wagon story. Furthermore, the storyteller often lightens the mood by retelling an amusing time during her mother’s life. “For one of those plays a cat was required…it made the most astonishingly bad smell” (Atwood 8-9). The purpose of storytelling also serves as a way to add humor and comic relief. Although the readers can sympathize with the mother, Atwood allows her audience to chortle at times. Having a balance between serious and cheerful moments constructs a good story. Moreover, the way Atwood uses the aspect of storytelling and the narrator to talk to the readers makes the story feel more

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