After reading the article “Pupils give schools a dressing down…”, I am pleased with the actions taken by Mark Oliphant College to make sure students dress appropriately for school, it prepares them for job interviews and workplaces, saves money and prevents bullying. However, I was disgusted Mark Oliphant College students’ behaviour towards their school and education. By taking the harsher rules policy, students will look smarter, build positive social interactions with other students by wearing the same clothing, promotes equality.
Firstly, schools should be congratulated for encouraging students to wear uniforms because it builds a positive social environment. This can be seen in a reduction of bullying because less people are being attacked
In the article, “Appearances Are Destructive” by Mark Mathabane argues about how students in school do not focus on learning anymore, but mostly focus on their outfits. He agrees that by providing dress codes will be an effective way to maintain safety in schools. According to Mathabane, dress codes is a solution for students to get on track on their studies, but rather it will not be against freedom. In addition to that, Mathabane claims, that girls pay a lot of attention to their clothing because it gives them respect, to look more attractive, and they feel, they look cool. Mathabane disagree that outfits should be the primary goal for many students, instead of achieving academic success; therefore, dress code will be a solution to have
Having school uniforms greatly decrease one’s way to get bullied. “Perhaps most importantly, a uniform means students don't have to worry about peer pressure when it comes to their clothes. When everyone is dressed the same, worrying about what you look like isn't so important. There is no competition about being dressed in the latest trend, which would put a great deal of financial pressure on students and parents. Potential bullies have one less target for their insults; it's hard to make fun of what someone is wearing when you're dressed exactly the same...” (Should Students Have to Wear School Uniforms?). With the same as gang violence, having uniforms does not get rid of bullying altogether. With my experiences in both non-uniform and uniform enforced schools, I saw far less bullying in schools with uniforms. Most of the bullying incidents I have seen are focused on the kid’s appearance due to clothing. Having the uniforms can help students look at each other in a more equal
Furthermore, school uniforms have the potential to make schools a whole lot safer. Think of it like this – if you were to see a student walk in wearing an ugly polo shirt and sweat pants, (s)he would probably be picked on just because of what (s)he is wearing. We as humans naturally judge on what we see first, and it’s usually their face / clothing. If school uniforms were implemented in many places, then it would eradicate school violence and students wouldn’t be indignant with each other based on what they wear. Also, since everyone on school grounds is wearing their uniform, it would be easy to pinpoint unwanted visitors and be one step ahead. Not to mention it would help kids with less money evade the bullying and teasing that they would usually receive, which brings me to my next point.
Many schools each year are gradually turning towards the use of school uniforms. Statistics show that 5% of schools worldwide are starting to take use in having school uniforms. I believe that schools should have uniforms because it limits kids to getting bullied, parents don’t have to worry if their kids have name brand clothing or not, and the school doesn’t have to worry about kids dressing inappropriately.
School Uniforms by Julian Alvarado I think students should wear uniforms because it will improve punctuality, increase safety, and reduce peer pressure. Students will spend less time picking clothes because they will be wearing uniforms. Intruders will be easy to find because everyone will be wearing uniforms will increase safety and prevent other people from invading the school. Uniforms will reduce peer pressure so nobody will compete with each other on wearing expensive clothing and items. You could argue that school uniforms do not stop bullying and may increase violent attacks.
School uniforms would reduce the amount of bullying that occurs because they would be mandatory for every student; they would limit so called “tough guys” from making fun of students who are weaker or who do not have the brand name clothes, and are less fortunate than other students.
With or without school uniforms we will continue to have problems in our schools but the uniforms help eliminate some of these problems. I went to a catholic high school and we had to wear uniforms and we still had fights, stealing, and bullying. We did not have to have metal detectors or security guards checking us before we walked into the building. The students came from all over the city and yes there were those who were in gangs but unless you made it known they could not tell by what we wore. In the long run it does help with costs when it comes to buying new clothes and shoes every year for the new school year.
However many people believe that dress codes should be enforced and that schools should provide uniforms for students attending that district. It’s been said that by wearing uniforms students will be less concerned about how they look and that there not competition between the student of who looks better Also that when wearing uniforms no one will be able to judge one another on who has the best clothing. Its also been said that it helps prevent bullying But that’s not true although everyone is wearing the same things does not mean they won’t judge them you will get judged with or without uniforms it’s what humans do uniforms are not going to change that. Finally, it’s been stated that by having uniforms in school it can save parents a lot
In America, there are about 49 million students enrolled into public schools of kindergarten through twelfth grade. Plus, six million students attend private schools. In that 55 million of students that attend school 47% to 57% wear school uniforms. Schools believe that it helps with discipline and attendance. But they don’t realize the negative effects to students wearing the uniforms. Schools shouldn’t enforce kids to wear the uniforms.
The next advantage of public school uniforms can be identified as the reduction of bullying behaviors. Everyone benefits by adopting the uniform policy. It helps students to unite and share a same goal – learning. Also, by adopting the
School uniforms have been introduced to US school more and more. In 2013, a research claimed that one out of five students who attended public schools were required to wear uniforms in school. Is this a positive thing? Uniforms shouldn’t be required in school. Firstly, it costs lots of money. Secondly, it refrains students from expressing creativity and individuality. Finally, school uniforms can harbour more bullying than lessen it.
Having school uniforms can help the way schools are, if there were school uniforms students wouldn’t judge others on how they are dressed. Students would be equal . Everyone would dress the same, there would be less bullying. There wouldn’t be any more dress code, also it is not fair that boys can wear sleeveless shirts and girls can’t. I am a girl and i don’t like showing off any of my body parts but there are some girls that
In every school, bullying is a huge concern. Almost everyone in the world deals with bullying in their lives because of their looks and clothing they have. In order for it to stop, we must bring uniforms into schools’. This will eliminate majority of problems in schools’ because kids will lose their primary motive to harass or bully another student. Kids with cheaper clothes will not feel any shame walking into school because everyone will be wearing the same clothes.
Another big benefit to having a school uniform is the increase of student safety in multiple things. The first, is the reduction of bullying. This happens at schools with mandatory uniforms because it gives bullies less ammunition. Bullies have less ammunition because social status and wealth are not visible to other students because everyone is wearing the same thing. Another thing more broad than bullying is physical student safety. For example, at a K-8 school system in Long Beach,CA enforced a two year mandatory uniform policy and the results were staggering. Assault reports dropped by 34%. Sex offences got cut by a whopping 74%! Fighting incidents decreased by 51%, and vandalism dropped by 18%. It is crazy to me how much things can improve in just two short years by having kids wear uniforms. One more thing, is that it makes it a lot easier to identify trespassers. I mean think of all the school shootings that have
Regardless of whether the school is private or public, the use of school uniforms should be executed as a way to promote an environment that helps students get the most out of their school education.