
Analysis Of Matthew O ' Brien 's ' The Strange Thing ' Essay

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It’s the highlight of any relationship. It’s a significant other getting down on one knee, to ask their special someone to spend forever with them. Usually a proposal is a happy surprise coupled with a ring that could pay off some college debt. Brand new engagement rings (not the ones from the maternal side that a great grandmother wore in her sixty years long marriage) can range in prices from a couple hundred, a couple thousand, or a couple million. A ring is absolutely a way to show how committed the giver is to the receiver. Usually an engagement ring is a sign that the relationship will take its next step at the altar. The key word is usually. Unfortunately some relationships break up after the big question. Amid a flurry of clothes being thrown out the windows, yelling, and mean posts to social media, the issue of who gets to keep the ring is typically a major discussion. Plenty of works have been done pertaining to the engagement dilemma including an article by Matthew O’Brien titled The Strange Economics of Engagement Rings and a law review article written by Arielle L. Murphy titled Whose Fault Is It Anyway?:Analyzing The Role “Fault” Plays in the Division of Premarital Property if Marriage Does Not Ensue. Even though the two writings have similar topics and other like traits, they also have plenty of details that set them apart. Both Ms. Murphy and Mr. O’Brien look at the issue on engagement rings by using factual information they gathered from other sources. The

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