
Analysis Of Metlife 's ' Dream For My Child '

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The main purpose of a company’s advertisements is always, directly or indirectly, to make more money. However, advertisers use different tactics in order to do this. This usually includes selling an idea to potential consumers about the company or product. One method that advertisers use to persuade viewers in an ad is by promoting ideas of humanism. Humanism is the body of moral values that humans possess. This includes family values, which is what is used in MetLife’s “Dream for My Child” advertisment. MetLife tries to sell a humanistic idea about their product in their advertisement. The advertisement specifically targets parents. In this ad, a father and his young daughter are walking to school when the daughter hands her father a note. The daughter’s voice is played reading the note as the father reads it silently. The note contains a list of compliments that the daughter gives to her father. Then it takes a turn the it is stated that the father lies. It is explained that the father does not lie in a bad way, but only in ways that benefit his daughter. Clips of the father struggling financially and physically are played. However, the daughter understands that her father does these things because of his love for her. MetLife acknowledges that the future of a child is worth sacrificing for. The creators of the MetLife “Dream for My Child” advertisement create an emotional appeal called pathos using visuals, tone, and diction to get the audience to believe

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