Throughout our generation today, the equalization of blacks and whites is a very big controversy in everyday life. This year white actor Joseph Fiennes was reportedly chosen to cast as the role of the superstar Michael Jackson in a British movie about a road trip Jackson, Elizabeth Taylor, and Marlon Brando took after the incident of 9/11. This articles speaks about the uproar of the African Americans about the decision to have a white man play the artistic icon of African American culture, Michael Jackson. It discusses who is able to assume a specific role in movies based on race and culture of the character compared to the person playing the character. Without getting the opinions of people on who they think should play the iconic popstar, they chose a white man. Joseph Fiennes, a white British man, was given the role of Michael Jackson in the upcoming British film “Elizabeth, Michael, & Marlon”. Many people, particularly African Americans, were outraged with this decision, especially since this was the second year in a row that all the Academy Award nominees were white. African Americans feel that Michael Jackson, considered to be a cultural hero and “greatest song and dance man of the 20th century” should be played by a black actor. It makes you wonder if a white actor can play a black character or vice versa. This discussion demonstrates two different sociological concepts. One being of racial socialization as it relates to the race of the actor who should play Michael
“The success of ‘Black Panther’ has also been heralded as a strong and unequivocal message to Hollywood, where filmmakers and actors say they have long wrestled with preconceived notions that movies with predominantly black and female characters are financial risks and don’t fare well on the global market” (Izadi). Even though typically minority movies do not do well on the global market, the recent release of “Black Panther” has caused lots of people to join in on the idea of minority dominated movies which suggests that this idea is near its tipping point because there is nearly enough people who are beginning to want to see these movies produced because of the difference in the type of characters. “It’s a movie about what it means to be black in both America and Africa—and, more broadly, in the world. Rather than dodge complicated themes about race and identity, the film grapples head-on with the issues affecting modern-day black life” (Smith). The effect of the director choosing to deal with the issue of minorities in movies head on has caused a spike in the attention of movies like “Black Panther.”
Stereotypes and generalizations about African Americans and their culture have evolved within American society dating back to the colonial years of settlement, particularly after slavery became a racial institution that was heritable. However in the clips we watched and from my own viewing of the movie Carmen Jones the movie explains two media stereotyped roles present in films with black characters, the black jezebel and the integrationist hero. Their representations of these roles have many implications on how their characters interact with each other and other characters throughout the film and the outcome of the film’s plot. For a number of years in American film, one could find two black stereotypical presences, the integrationist hero, who dominated the screen for a time, and the black jezebel, also present in many films. Hollywood made movies that featured the well liked,
Quentin Tarantino’s film Jackie Brown, released in 1997, challenges the pervasive stereotyping of not only blacks but specifically black women. Nowhere is the cinematic devaluation of African Americans more evident than in images of black women which, in the history of cinematography, the white ideal for female beauty has overlooked. The portrayal of black women as the racial Extra has been fabricated through many semblances in the history of American film. Film scholars and feminists alike have long been plagued with lament for the negativity and stereotyping that sticks with black women in American cinema. In this paper, I will argue that Jackie Brown highlights and stresses the racial variance of the female African American protagonist,
However, the most typical type of portrayal that can be seen in modern television is the one that includes black actors to portray black characters without prejudices or ideas about their “otherness.” As suggested in the study by Parks and Kumar (2003), it is normal for the modern television to contain images of black bodies in the same contexts as the white ones (p. 423). Instead of pointing to his blackness, the authors of the Criminal Minds have included Derek Morgan as an ordinary character into the team of behavioral profilers who do the same job. The only distinction of Derek Morgan from other members of the team is his ethnicity. Therefore, this type of stereotyping should be discussed along with the other efforts of the TV series creators to include a black role model, a “good guy” into the
Abstract: This essay seeks to explore how the 2002 Broadway production of the musical Hairspray depicts and produces inclusivity in American life in both modern and contemporaneous periods. The point of view set up in the show emulates the concept of a “white savior complex” in its efforts to showcase the perils of black people in the entertainment industry in the 1960s, along with minimizing the responsibility of white people in the systematic societal racial structure. Despite these shortcomings in historical accuracy in its overly-optimistic portrayal of segregation, Hairspray gave explicit, designated opportunities to black actors to be highly featured in a Broadway production. And unlike other shows during its time, it ultimately brought up conversations of segregation and racism in the entertainment industry in a time where these issues were seldomly addressed.
actually address the historical legacy of slavery, Lin Manuel Miranda’s casting brought light to the misrepresentation of non-whites in media and history. Throughout history, minority races, specifically African-Americans and Hispanics, are often whitewashed into stereotypical themes; thug life, segregation, or the “bad guy”.
The Article, Musing New Hoods, Making New identities: Film, Hip-hop Culture, and Jazz Music by Guthrie P. Ramsey, Jr. addressed an important and conflicting aspect about the opportunities that African Americans feel they have in modern society. He continues to address the idea of “guiltsploitation”-feeling guilt for going against one's culture to move up in social class, an idea introduced by Henry Louis Gates and the different message that is received by society from the underlying message surrounding African-American films (Ramsey, 311). Stereotypes conceived through movies and hip-hop music create the identity and character through an authentic representation that is expected of African-Americans in modern culture. Although African-American films and the hip-hop music industry have worked to build and identify a culture through the art form, they have instead created a stereotypical image--a different inner struggle has resulted that remains in society today.
The film industry’s portrayal of African American people consists of countless stereotypes and inaccuracies. These depictions lead to an innumerable amount of misrepresentations about the African American community. As the latest wave of black films begins to dawn, the clearer the images become of a collective people. Using my personal experiences as a mixed woman of color, as well as including my academic strengths and goals, and points of view regarding various black films, the content of this paper will examine the representation and stereotypes that can be seen in African American Hollywood.
“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek” Barack Obama. The question is always asked does the media reflect the reality of society, or does society try and imitate the reality shown by the media? There are a number of stereotypes associated with African Americans in our society such as African American men are athletes, rappers, criminals, deviant, streetwise, uneducated, and unemployed just to name a few. African Americans in the media have changed through the years. The history of African Americans on TV or minorities in general is hampered by the racial conflicts and segregation that are embedded in American society. Historically, black actors have been grouped stereotypically and assigned to comedy. This has often been traced to the genre of black minstrelsy that was popular in the early 20th century.
“Oscars So White” a phrase that began trending on social media sites after the 2016 Academy Awards announce their nominees for Best Actor and Best Actress, it was predominately white for a second year in a row. The movie industry is no stranger to controversy and since its inception it’s constantly been guilty of underrepresenting ethnic people. It’s evident that film is a type of mass media that has a certifiable amount of power to influence audience’s views, yet this platform constantly disregards the need for diversity in favor of stereotypes. Movies such as Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961), Scarface (1983), and Pan (2015) are all guilty of this. The depiction of non-American characters in Hollywood movies are constructed around racial
Over the course of approximately one-hundred years there has been a discernible metamorphosis within the realm of African-American cinema. African-Americans have overcome the heavy weight of oppression in forms such as of politics, citizenship and most importantly equal human rights. One of the most evident forms that were withheld from African-Americans came in the structure of the performing arts; specifically film. The common population did not allow blacks to drink from the same water fountain let alone share the same television waves or stage. But over time the strength of the expectant black actors and actresses overwhelmed the majority force to stop blacks from appearing on film. For the longest time the performing arts were
Movies and entertainment outlets speak volumes about the current state of a nation’s culture. Cinematic creations in the United States allow small voices to be heard and controversial issues to be addressed. However, a repetitive and monumental issue continues to be addressed, yet continues to persist in our 21st century culture, racial inequalities. Since the inception of the United States, black men and women alike have been disenfranchised at the hands of the “white man” in America. Instead of continuing the conversation today, the issue is continually silenced referencing the successes and achievements of the Civil Rights Movement in the 20th century. Nonetheless, an unfortunate reality looms upon this great land; racially based systems and structures continue to exist in 2015 the in United States. This paper synthesizes three films focused on racial inequalities in different time periods. Separate but Equal (1991), Selma (2015), and Crash (2005) illustrate how influential the Civil War amendments are, while serving as an uncanny reminder of how the racial prejudices during the 20th century continue to exist in our great nation today. Needless to say our nation has made great strides, but still has a long way to go.
Three sources analyze the racial conflicts of white actors playing colored parts, and all agreed that it was not a trivial situation, for audiences, or actors. Racial tensions are very popular with the media. While there is some minor tension today, the movies and plays of Othello top the charts for most racial conflicts. First, The article, “Othello: the role that entices and engages actors of all skin colours,” by Andrew Dickson shows the history of the actors that played Othello, and when the actors were black, they were either not cast, due to segregationists, or were criticized in their performance for the same reason. Also, this article uses diction to convey the seriousness of white vs. minority crisis. Next, the video, “SHAKESPEARE UNCOVERED White Actors Playing Othello” by PBS, shows the performances of many Othello actors that were white. Additionally, the video shows one white actor who used makeup to make himself more than than black. The video uses hyperbole to describe the absurdity of Othello movies. For example, Laurence Olivier, the 1964 Othello was black-top showing how far film industries will go to cover-up racial tensions, and the narrator describes the makeup as ridiculous,and dramatic. Finally, the last article, “Aladdin: putting a white character in Disney’s live-action remake is offensive,” by Hannah Flint displays that film industries feel obligated to please a white audience, keeping the minorities second fiddle by adding characters white people
The feature film “Dear White People” Directed by Justin Simien is a smart and a fearless debut as I have seen from an American filmmaker in quite some time: open to encourage and confident in its own originality. And he deserves the won the U.S. Dramatic Special Jury Award for Breakthrough Talent at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival and Independent Spirit Award for Best First Screenplay. We have heard it a lot that "We have a black President so racism must be over"? We have seen a lot of stories in just the last couple of years about white People throwing black-themed parties full of insulting racial stereotypes? No other film comes with more buzz than Justin Simien 's debut feature, Dear White People, particularly amongst the black community expecting a blistering new voice similar to a Spike Lee. It’s a clever campus comedy that revolves around a handful of hot potatoes — race, sex, privilege, power — with elegant swiftness and only an occasional fumble. If you ever watch this movie then you will want to talk about it afterward, even if the conversation feels a little awkward. If it doesn’t feel awkward then you’re doing it wrong. There is great enjoyment to be found here, and very little comfort. As it sets on Ivy League institution, these institutions are where many of America 's leaders and innovators are farmed, but during the process it includes a certain amount of sandbox childishness. It 's fortunate that, like "The Social Network," "Dear White
August Wilson’s 1996 address entitled “The Ground on Which I Stand”, sparked a vigorous debate in the world of theater over the idea of “colorblind casting” and he presented the need for a Black Theatre. Mr. Wilson was outraged by the fact that of the 66 major companies belonging to the League of Resident Theaters, only one was black. He felt that the supporters of black theatre used their funds to increase black hiring in primarily white theatres as opposed to creating a theatre for the black community. Hw wanted to have more black theaters established to cater to the black actors as well as draw in black audiences. He attacks the increasingly popular trend of “colorblind casting” which basically meant casting black actors in roles traditionally