
Analysis Of Nietzsche'sThe Madman And New Mortality

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God the creator of the universe, earth and ourselves can he really be dead as the madman has proclaimed him to soon be in Nietzsche’s “Madman”. To understand if we have killed God in this postmodern world and become all of his murders we need to analyze religion, technology and what the meaning of belief is. In all honesty we are closer than we were before to understanding what Nietzsche was trying to communicate in “The Madman” and “New Mortality”, this is greatly due to technological advances in the twentieth and twenty first century. Things such as space exploration, computers, general acceptance that anyone can believe anything they choose to, have opened the world up to more things than ever could’ve been imagined in 1882. These …show more content…

People start questioning Gods word, and realizing things about space and science that could’ve never been done before this is the start of the decline in religious power. Move forward even more to the modern and postmodern era and we can see advances such as telescopes, government, health, communication and computer technology allow us to question God as a whole, is he real or not? This is where Nietzsche’s “Madman” comes proclaiming that we’ve killed god, churches have become nothing but monuments for this once thriving God, it is now places where people go to avoid the truth. Even with these advances we still don’t understand what the madman is proclaiming as we can see by the blatant making fun and scrutinizing the on lookers show him. Now with all these advancements one has the power to use pure research science they can learn what they want to, believe what they want but yet we still have Christianity we still have God. If God is still being praised, churches are still attended too is God dead like the madman has proclaimed? Most would just to the answer or no the madman was wrong and chalk it up to in the past philosophy that has been disproven. If only it were that simple. We may never be able to understand what the madman has been proclaiming. The reason being when looking at “The

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