
Analysis Of ' Oedipus The King '

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Oedipus Cursing His Son, Polynices is a great work of art created by Henry Fuseli, in 1786. This painting was created in Fuseli’s homeland, Zurich, Switzerland. This painting has a powerful and dramatic purpose to it, and is very interesting to look at.
The media of this painting is oil on canvas, and the paint is used loosely. The loose brushy style of the paint gives off the style of impressionism that brings the painting together. There is great historical and cultural context on this painting that refers to Greek mythology. Henry Fuseli 's dramatic painting depicts an ancient Greek tragedy, King Oedipus discovered a horror that he murdered his father and married his mother. Oedipus blinded himself in contrition; Upset at his sons, Oedipus forced them to die in battle by each other 's hand. He extends his arms to curse them, while Polynices draws back in shame and what is implied as pain from the curse.
As for background information on the artist himself, Fuseli was encouraged by Reynolds in 1768 to become a painter. Fuseli traveled to Italy in 1770 to seek inspiration. Sculpture, Michelangelo, and mannerist art inspired him. Fuseli initiated his reputation when he returned to London in 1780. He dedicated most of his time and effort into paintings of Shakespearean themes, and became the leading mind of a group of inventive and experimental young artists. He was later elected an Associate of the Royal Academy of Arts in 1788, a full Academician in 1790, and Professor of

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