
Analysis Of Plato 's ' The Cave ' Essay

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Within the ship as presented above, a chaos reigns which is, according to Plato, similar to the situation in a democratic society. The disagreements between the sailors on the ship symbolically represent the instability of a democratic society. The shipmaster symbolizes the masses, something quite powerful and strong, but at the same time and due to his nearsightedness and deafness, easily tricked and seduced by persuasion and lies, having for consequence that unable people govern. A comparison can be made with Good but uneducated and stupid voters who, because of their inability to perceive the truth, allow themselves to be cheated and loaded with empty demagogy and lies. On the other side, the sailors who ignore or ridicule the true helmsman, are benighted individuals, just as the prisoners who live in the dark in the allegory of the cave. They are like the ruler in a democratic society, namely, the masses, who are out of ignorance blind to see the truth, and therefore unable to determine the direction in which the state should be led. And just as knowledge of the stars, winds, and waves is necessary for the genuine art of steering, so is knowledge of ideas necessary for the righteous and just governance.
No other is the key idea exposed through Plato’s tripartite psychology: that knowledge should be central for those who aspire to rule the state. Reason is the part of the human soul that should govern, because out of all three constituents of the human psyche reason is

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