During this simulation I got a different outlook on what it is like to live in poverty. Hearing about it and actually experiencing it are two different things. In the simulation I was a grandmother taking care of my daughters children with my husband. I was the only one in the household, who was bringing in any money so it was very important I kept my job and was not late to work or did not do my job correctly. I felt really limited because even though I was bring in a steady income, my husband was the one, who had to go around and pay the bills, buy food, and made sure the children did not get into any trouble. My husband had diabetes and received a disability check which was helpful to the situation. I learned that it is very important to budget everything out or not everything is going to get done. Being the parent that only work the whole simulation gave me only one side view of the …show more content…
I feel like it had to do with the fact that our situation was not as severe as others and also we had a good handle on our situation. I felt good, that I did not have to do anything which went against my moral. But when looking at other families they were stealing left and right. I had to understand, when being in a situation which is out of our control sometimes stealing makes people feel more in control and makes them get more control of the situation itself.
I do feel differently about people in poverty because they may not have all the necessary information they need to know to be able to help them. They may feel alone or they may even feel embarrassed by asking for help. I feel people need to be mindful of their pride as well as think about their family before they let that get in the way of asking for help. I think it is important for people to understand that everyone’s situation is different and not everyone who lives in poverty is in that situation due to a lack of
Individuals struggling to keep adequate shelter. Some may face challenges of seeking medical attention. Others have no access to jobs or schools. Some parents fail daily in providing food and water for their children. These are just a few sentences that describe poverty. If we closed our eyes and envisioned poverty, we think of children in the second-largest continent, Africa, standing around with no clothes or shoes on. We think of the kids looking mal-nutritious or with other sicknesses and flies flying around their faces but they are too weak to brush them away. We think of people with no education, no skills, or no ideas. These statements are far from facts. I will take you through the ongoing issue of poverty from a macro-level and show you how it can affect case management. Then I will take you through the case management process of trying to end poverty.
There are so ways people express the ways they have had to deal with poverty in society. Also they are endless songs, movies and books expressing about people who have money that take advantage of those who do not. The Horatio Alger book called Ragged Dick deals with the many aspects of inhumanity, greed and the American Dream where it’s believed through hard work, strong ‘ethics, and being respectful a person can achieve a better life for themselves. I believe both of these aspects to be true to those who are in poverty and those who are rich.
Taking Poverty 101 class is a way to learn about poverty and what causes it (Beegle 342-343). In the article All Kids Should Take 'Poverty 101,' Beegle explained that in order to help the poor, we first need to be able to sympathize and understand their situations (342). Poverty 101 class will help us to do so because through this class, we will learn the real meaning of poverty, what causes it, and the attitudes that Americans have toward poverty and people who are in it. Moreover, we will get exposed to different types of poverty, such as generational poverty, working-class poverty, immigrant poverty, and situational poverty.
Everyone knows what the word poverty means. It means poor, unable to buy the necessities to survive in today's world. We do not realize how easy it is for a person to fall into poverty: A lost job, a sudden illness, a death in the family or the endless cycle of being born into poverty and not knowing how to overcome it. There are so many children in poverty and a family's structure can effect the outcome. Most of the people who are at the poverty level need some type of help to overcome the obstacles. There are mane issues that deal with poverty and many things that can be done to stop it.
The poverty simulation for me was exiting and interesting, but most importantly, it stand as a learning experience that I am willing to carry throughout my journey as a nurse to assist and improve on the care I provide the poor and the needy people. Walking in the shoes of those in poverty during the simulation, I was frustrated because as a twenty-one year old my goals were not probably staying home and take care of my siblings or run around to find help with food or shelter but to be in college with my peers, go out on a date and parties. I was exhausted from going from one place to another just to get help with food, clothes in addition go to school.
But it is also a challenge for the people actually in need to understand they are living in poverty and need help.(682) When it comes to poverty people tend to have imagery in their mind that comes from all around the world of different people living in deplorable conditions.(683) The problem is poverty like many things is relative. To compare someone in need in the United States on a guideline or scale based on people in need from impoverished countries around the world is not exactly fair.(681) The fact that the United States is one of the wealthiest countries in the world also means it’s one of the most expensive places to live. Taking this into consideration it is unreasonable to compare the poor and needy in the United States to the poor and needy in countries where their economic systems are much farther behind than that of the United States.(681) The issue is that just because you’re not in tattered close or homeless does not mean that you are not living in poverty in the United States.(683) What stereotyping like this does is gives a very restricted view of what an individual in poverty looks like, while also causing the help that might be provided to individuals in need to be
Upon arriving to the Poverty simulation, I did not know what to expect. After being able to interact with my peers to understand what it was like to be living in poverty, I got a better understand of what it entails. I quickly wanted to know what the rate of poverty was in Greensboro alone. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, they estimated 268,232 people whose status is poverty in 2013. 29% of that estimate are subjects who are under 18 years old. Out of 268,323, females are about 141,000 of it. The top two races that tend to hold a poverty status are Caucasian and African Americans. The problem at hand is that this status is nationwide.
Understand how to prevent poverty has been a great concern within the United States and across the globe. Many people believe that if you live in poverty you are lazy and you put yourself in that position. Well that is just not the case. Having said that, while I was doing the simulation, I noticed that I had to make difficult decisions that would result in whether or not I would make enough money to pay bills and keep my family intact. I know what it's like to live in poverty. I've experienced what it's like to have no running water or no electricity. When my parents came to the United States in the 90's they had a tough time getting situated in Nashville, Tennessee. When my mother had me and brother, everything seemed to be going well for
To begin, professional responsibility is a concept that not only relates to you, but it relates to the society as well. When making decisions businesses have to consider how their decisions affect various communities. This puts business in a dilemma; however, the company’s values should allow them to make the correct decision when faced with these dilemmas.
On April 19, 2017 my class took part in a Poverty Simulation Experience. Before we started we were informed by Dr. Stephens, our instructor, that this was, “not a game” and to make it as realistic as possible. She also informed us that the goal during the simulated month was to “keep your home secure, make sure your family was fed, pay your bills, and meet unexpected situations.” My alter ego during this simulation was Iris Isma, a single mom with a one-year-old child and live-in boyfriend. Iris was unemployed, but has the desire to go to school. Her only income was food stamps and TANF. Isaiah Isaacson, the boyfriend, was employed and helped out with paying half the housing and Utilities. Iris had a dilemma during this scenario, to either pay the rent or feed her
The poverty Simulation gives you an understanding of families living in poverty and a chance to live through their struggle. During the poverty simulation I was a 52 year old aged grandfather named Warron Wiscott with no high school diploma. I was a diabetic and had mobility problems ending with me not being able to work anymore so I started receiving disability. I lived in a small house, in which I was still paying off the first and second mortgage. My wife was the only one working full time. Since I was disabled I had to stay home with my grandchildren who had just moved in with us when my daughter was incarcerated for drug use. I felt that by being disabled I wasn’t bringing much into the family. Sure I was getting five hundred dollars a month but as a person myself I felt like a lazy bum just sitting around doing nothing. I wish that I had been able to go buy groceries to help out my family since we didn't buy food for about two weeks.
Usually when a person thinks of the poor and the homeless, they think about those that are living and sleeping on park benches or under bridges. They think of those who are dirty, with ragged clothing, worn out shoes, and those begging or panhandling for food. The truth of the matter is that poverty and homelessness can affect people of any age, race or gender. More Americans are at the risk of poverty and homelessness today. There are many circumstances that can cause a person to live in poverty and become homeless. The lack of affordable housing, low paying jobs or lack of employment, and insufficient federal aid all contribute to poverty and homelessness.
In order for them to be able to have food, housing, healthcare, etc., they must have some form of a decent income to be able to provide for themselves or their family. In order to have an income, you must have some sort of employment and for some individuals; this is not an easy task due to problems they may be encountering that they cannot fix on their own. In order to respond to the situations of clients in poverty appropriately, the social worker must use a poverty aware approach, meaning they should try to be aware of what the client or family they are working with is currently going through (Davis, 2005). By being knowledgeable about my client’s situation, I will have an easier time trying to get my client to feel comfortable with me so I can fully understand what they are going through. Understanding the poverty aware approach calls for a basic understanding of the theories of poverty and income inequality (Davis, 2005). Also, it is important to have an awareness of the economic, social and cultural factors sustaining poverty, as well as the social, physical and emotional impact of poverty (Davis,
The 2015 Statistical Analysis Poverty Level Data report shows in the United States, there was an increase in which families’ are able to provide food per person within their household. After the devastating financial and economic crisis in 2008, families have been in financial detriment for years trying to maintain consistency in providing food, support, and shelter. Not until the government 2015 report, there were clear evidence of a sufficient rise in food surplus in low income families since 2008. According to the governmental statistical report, 14% of households were suffering from food deficiency. In other words, 17.5 million households, approximate one out of every seven homes could not provide nourishment on a regular basis. This estimate is down from the last statistical data recorded in 2011 at 14.9%.
Poverty has been on the top our list of contemporary issues for numerous of years and continues to rise across the world today. There are multiple reasons as to why poverty begins and quickly evolves into hunger and eventually leads to death. It is a social problem that pertains to every aspect of society, disease, dependency and many other factors that are keyed in. For some people, it’s not an option nor by choice. In some cases, people are born into poverty and or on different levels of poverty. Today, children are living the highest percentage rate of poverty and is the highest than it has ever been in the past years. If you look closely to the following photograph, “Language of Love” taken by, Thomas Tham also known by Mio Cade, he demonstrates true meaning of poverty by using bright vibrant colors and emphasis the main purpose of the art. The photographer captures your full attention as well as your internal emotions as you read the photo feeling hopeless and sadness. The siblings are living the reality of scarcity as they rest their heads on the concrete of the stairs. The love for each other is all they have in this world and they struggle to survive without food and shelter, it’s what ties your emotions into this photograph. Visualizing the art of work inspires you to reach out and help these young children. The photograph strongly demonstrates the struggle of poverty and the life of children around the world that are fighting this battle every