1.Old Major is a smart old white boar who came up with the idea for the animals to rebel. Boxer is a very large and powerful horse who isn’t very smart but is nice. Clover is a female horse and is Boxer’s companion, Benjamin is a donkey and is the oldest. Mollie was very foolish, liked sugar and ribbons.
2.Old major wanted to share his idea of a utopian society without man.
3."Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy. Whatever goes upon four legs or has wings is a friend. And remember also that in fighting against man, we must not come to resemble him. Even when you have conquered him, do not adopt his vices. No animal must ever live in a house, or sleep in a bed, or wear clothes, or drink alcohol, or smoke tobacco, or touch money, or engage in trade. All habits of Man are evil. And above all, no animal must ever tyrannize over his own kind. Weak or strong, clever or simple, we are all brothers. No animal must ever kill any other animal. All animals are equal."
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5. The pigs were the most intelligent animals on the farm.
6.Snowball, Napoleon and Squealer are pigs while Moses is a raven.
7. The rebellion was started due to the animals being treated poorly and neglected.
8. The Seven Commandments were whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy, whatever goes upon four legs,or has has wings is a friend, no animal shall wear clothes, no animal shall sleep in a bed, no animal shall drink alcohol, no animal shall kill another animal, all animals are equal.
9. Snowball is the first leader who is overthrown by Napoleon, but overall the pigs had leadership due to their ability to read and write.
10.Their flag was green with a hoof and a horn in the center.
11.The pigs were eating the milk and apples to assure that they would make the right decisions as the
Subsequent to being introduced to the animals within the first chapter, there is a major change within their behavior. After reading chapters 2-4, the author utilizes themes such as good versus evil, discovery, and courage and ambition to demonstrate the courage of the animals as they engage in their revolution. Here, the author reveals another side to Mr. Jones and the animals on the farm. To commence, Old Major passes away and his death highly influenced the other animals. Through his elaborate speeches, he encouraged the animals to secretly plan the rebellion, even if they did not know when it is supposed to unfold.
The majority of the animals left on the farm possess the least amount of authority, although Boxer is respected the most among the animals for his work ethic.
Snowball: He is a pig who was challenging Napoleon because the other animals were with and loyal to him. He was also at the position of leadership before he had to run away.
The story was a very interesting read. Several things that need to be discussed are the uses of allegory and rhetorical components in the story.
The more corrupt any present area is, there would an equally intense force of regulations and rules to set order and harmony. As history shows, humans aren’t responsible enough to live in peace without any guidelines, civilization creates laws to restrict any impulsive behavior and create order. Laws act like boundaries, and the more laws there are, the more problems have been shown to cause such laws to be created, as stated by "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws,” by Tacitus’s . In a utopia there would be no need for laws, however no such thing is current in our society and neither was it in the world of Animal Farm. In the beginning of the novel, the animals setup the seven commandments as the guidelines and bases of
Three characters support the theme. Napoleon, the pig, the protagonist, is the leader of the Animal Farm after the rebellion who uses military force to ensure his power. Snowball, the pig, an antagonist, challenges Napoleon for leadership of the farm, but is less treacherous. Boxer, an antagonist, is a cart-horse whose loyalty and dedication help them build a windmill. Napoleon supports the theme by first revolting against Farmer Jones and then becoming
No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets. ( this was changed because the pigs thought they were of a higher society and slept and basically lived in the farmhouse)
In the allegorical novel Animal Farm by George Orwell, the aging pig Old Major speaks to all the animals on the farm, making a stirring speech calling them to arms. He tells them that Man is the enemy, and a rebellion is inevitable.His clever use of rhetorical devices such as appeal to ethos, rhetorical questions, among many others, is what makes his speech so effective.
What is the definition of a good novel? Opinions on this question may differ, but there are many things that good novels have in common. Most importantly, the reader must enjoy the novel. When I use the word enjoy, I don’t necessarily mean that it should make the reader ‘happy’ or ‘joyful’. The novel should give the reader a valuable or worthwhile experience. Many good novels often address topics that relate to our own reality. In George Orwell’s Animal Farm, one of the main focuses is on power and corruption.
The story Animal Farm by George Orwell is clearly an allegory. In order to understand a story fully, you must understand the author's life experiences and beliefs. George Orwell wasn’t just writing a book from second hand opinion, rather, he felt the cruelty of the people very deeply. George Orwell quit his job because he was against the oppression of a corrupted government. He refused to be used as a means to oppress the people. He was shot during the Spanish Civil War because he fought for the people’s side.
As said in the previous paragraph, the pigs were to be represented as leaders during the USSR, Napoleon showed great likeness to one leader named Joseph Stalin. Stalin was a dictator of the Soviet Socialist Republics from 1929 to 1953. The Soviet Union, also known as USSR was supposed to change a peasant like society into a strong military industrial power; changing their party to communism. Communism was created by Karl Marx to change the inevitable better life for everyone. When Joseph Stalin took power he became a fearful leader and didn't let anyone get in his way, there he made a debut of being a dictator to all with terror. In similarity of Napoleon and Joseph Stalin, both showed fear of what would be their lives if they weren't there. Also known as they can't live without me, they need me. According to the book Animal Farm, Napoleon states how the only people who are now getting milk now that Farmer Jones is gone is only
"There was nothing there now except a single Commandment. It ran: ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS” This was written by Orwell on page134. This is from the book Animal Farm. In this quote it is saying everything is equal but somethings are more equal than others.
George Orwell’s Animal Farm is an interesting story based on the origin of communism. This book often focuses on the actions of the pigs, who represent the leaders, propaganda, and other important entities during communism’s birth. The pigs perform several morally questionable actions, a large portion of which can simplify down to a single phrase: dressing lies up in the clothing of truth. One example of lies hiding as truths is the numerous times leaders break and repaint the Commandments. The Commandments are a set of rules painted on the wall of a barn that the animals in the story live by.
9. What do you think is the purpose of this article? Does the writer want readers to change their minds about something?
“Animal Farm” by George Orwell is an allegorical novel published on England in 1945. According to the author, this book reflects historical events leading up and during the Stalin era before World War II. It is the story of a revolution which goes wrong, based on the Russian revolution and Stalin’s use of power, the overall message is that man’s desire for power makes a classless society impossible. In the book, each animal represents a public figure or a type of person in real life. With this we can begin to develop the questions below in order to have a more complete idea of the meaning of the novel.