
Analysis Of Rogue Wave

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SCOOT and SULLY ATKINS are the two main characters in the movie Rogue Wave. This action packed movie starts off with Scoot and Sully Atkins sailing just south of Ensenada on a boat Sully's friend Beau Tuckers boat the Sea Dog not knowing that a huge wave is about to hit. Throughout the journey of Scoot and Sully trying to stay alive and find help there is elements of suspense, love and perseverance shown. This movie has elements of everything for all personalities and ages. Furthermore, Rogue Wave is a great movie for all ages that you will definitely enjoy.
Woosh, woosh, woosh goes the wind in the cold ocean breeze. It was a beautiful day for Sully and Scoot Atkins to be deep water sailing just south of Ensenada. All Scoot wanted for her 14th

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