After careful review of Ted Buettner’s video and transcript and review of his findings, I would think most people would disagree with some of his logic on how to reach 100 years old. In this case I look at my community and the factors that make up my community and in the event that what he states in his video is true, I do believe that my neighborhood and my community could absolutely adopt the ideas and concepts of a healthier lifestyle and live longer. However, I think most residents and occupants would agree to say that even though it is possible to implement all these finding into everyday life and make it a habit it just won 't happen. Getting rid of friends just because they are overweight isn’t something people are going to be making a habit out of that is just hurtful. Eating healthy is something plenty of people do, but that doesn’t always help a majority of the population who have some sort of health issue. We in
America respect our elders, but putting them on the calendars and billboards will not increase our life expectancy. In Ted Buettner’s view he believes as long as we eat right, go to church, idolize our elders and possibly get rid of a good friend or two we may add some years on to our life. He states in his transcript that “only about percent of how long the average person lives, within certain biological limits, is dictated by our genes. The other 90 percent is dictated by our lifestyle”. I do agree with Buettner when he makes the comments about how the
The next topic to address is the growing need for long-term care in the United States. Many Americans are faced with the dilemma that there are a limited
When the twin towers were destroyed in New York City by the terrorist group led by Osama Bin Laden, a Country filled with panic, sadness, and anger was left behind. Thousands of innocent civilians were killed, and the families of the fallen suffered greatly. People demanded answers, and wanted justice. People also felt unsafe, and were unaware if it was reasonable to expect another attack. President George Walker Bush prepares a speech for congress to discuss the events that took place, and the plans that will take place because of these events. The objectives of the speech Bush was trying to accomplish were informing the nation what had happed on September 11th, he then noted that it was not Muslins to be blamed for the attack, the challenges that lie ahead, and our plan for the “War on Terror.” The President uses the canons of rhetoric to execute a speech that met his audience’s needs.
Community is built of two main elements. First, community requires communal caring. Members need to put themselves in positions where they are able to relate to other members and does everything “within reasonable limits of self-sacrifice” (65). The second is communal reciprocity. Individuals will serve other members of the community, not for exchange of goods, but to provide generosity and support. These elements of community appear in the lives of all individuals, even the most capitalist ones. Humans are entirely capable of these.
“You have eight months to live” that statement may elicit fear into a normal patient sitting in their doctors’ office. Or perhaps it becomes a death sentence for that particular person. Yet, for Stephen Jay Gould it became a motivator. Stephen Jay Gould, a Paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, and historian of science, was diagnosed with abdominal mesothelioma in 1982. When he was told his life expectancy was eight months he did what most would not; he looked at the statistics. Gould was not an average patient suffering from cancer. He had training in statistics and a remarkable attitude. He was also one of the most influential authors of his generation so, naturally, he wrote an article about his battle. Gould’s article brought up an endearing point: the median is not the message. Well then, what is the point? Let’s see if we can get a clearer answer on the message.
To someone in their 20s, all the elderly might seem the same. However, there are differences between the young old, middle old, old-old, centenarians, and super-centenarians that I feel are important. For example, the young old are still relatively young at 65 and are healthy enough to be employed and involved in their community. The article, “Old Age Does Not Begin Until 74” by Sarah Knapton says, “…65-year-olds today are healthier, less dependent on others and more mentally agile than ever before…”, conceptions of age are changing due to the change in life expectancy. The article mentions that old age should not be measured by age, instead by how much longer the person has to live. Old age was completely different before, such as when life expectancy in the 1900s was 47 years old. Life expectancy in 2016 is 78 years old, so it makes sense to change old age as life expectancy
Thao up a bit. The elderly are often seen as no longer being valuable members of society yet they
Families: I establish a positive and productive relationship with families by building trust, giving respect, communication and consistency. I greet each child and family daily. When I inform parents of issues with their children, I do so in a positive manner using the sandwich method. This method gives strengths before stating any issues or concerns and allows the parent and myself to come to a meeting of the minds on the best way to approach correcting problems. This also allows parents to contribute to positive ways of working together to help further the child’s education and development.
In America, people are changing their views on aging and the elderly. Some of the reasons that the attitudes are changing could be due to more elderly people are remaining in the work place longer, as opposed to retiring early. Riffkin (2014). And there is the fact that we baby boomers are living longer. Even though the U.S. only ranks 53rd with a life expectancy of 79. That’s an increase of one year since 2010. (“The World: Life Expectancy” 2016)
The aging population is the fastest growing population in our nation. By the year 2030, it is estimated that approximately 61 million people will be between the ages 65 -85 and 9 million individuals will be ages 85 and older (Ouchida &Lachs, 2015). Perceptions of the elderly have slightly changed for the better in recent years, but biases and discrimination are still very widespread in our society today. “Ageism” is a phrase coined by Robert Butler in 1969 and implies a preconception, prejudice, and discrimination against older adults and can come in many forms.
I have always admired the senior citizens who are wondering how they have passed such long journeys of their lives. They not only have accomplished achievements, but also have done memorable works that deserve admiration, respect, and priority in today’s society. These old people may look incompetent and unexciting in somebody’s eyes and thoughts, but not everyone realizes that they are the people with greatest knowledge and experiences beyond their masters of life. From my own experience, whenever I see an old mister or mistress looking for help or in need of help, I can never ignore him or
In the Ted Talk given by Hetain Patel, Hetain uses the stereotypes of his physical appearance to his advantage against the audience in order to help establish his theme of the Ted Talk, which is perception. He begins the Ted Talk speaking in Chinese mandarin, while a translator sits beside him and translates what he is saying to the audience. About a minute into the ted talk the translator reveals that Hetain was born and raised near Manchester England and that he is actually repeating the same paragraph of Chinese mandarin each time he is speaking to the audience. He actually knows English but he chose to speak in mandarin so he could “avoid any assumptions made about him due to his northern accent.” Basically wanted to avoid others using
the average persons lifespan depends on his or her genes. “The other ninety percent is
At California State University, Northridge, the Applied Fitness Lab acted as an apparatus to assist students and clients in addressing and understanding how physical activity can alter health risks, such as physical inactivity and obesity. In the modern working environment, many professions require employees to work behind desks for many hours. Therefore, it reduces the amount of physical activity that a person will receive during their life causing an increase in physical inactivity. A person is classified as physically inactive when they do not meet the recommended level of normal physical activity. Current research suggests that physical inactivity is inversely correlated with the risk obesity (Pradinuk, Chanoine, Goldman, 2011). Obesity, is a result of physical inactivity in large body populations, is a growing health risk factor globally and is linked to many chronic diseases such as high blood pressure or increase risk of heart attacks. Due to the knowledge of these health risks, the purpose of the Applied Fitness Lab is to improve the health of campus staffs by introducing and implementing physical activity through group exercises or one-on-one training to their working schedules.
Demography is the study of the components of population variation and change. Death rate and birth rate are two determinants of population change. Theory of Demographic Transition is comparatively recent theory that has been accepted by several scholars throughout the world. This theory embraces the observation that all countries in the world go through different stages in the growth of population. A nation's economy and level of development is directly related to that nation's birth and death rates. Population history can be divided into different stages. Some of the scholars have divided it into three and some scholars have divided it into five stages. These stages or classifications demonstrate a
Communities are affected, and in a sense defined by, forces that affect community members and their space. The forces can range from outside organizations such as the government and large corporations … These components of the community vary infinitely, and thus no two communities are the same; even a given community is not the same over time (Cnaan & Milofsky, p. 1)