According, to the article “The Girl Who Lived Forever”, it proves to us that Anne, was a brave, kind, determined, hopeful young girl. When Anne's family was walking to, the Annex, Anne was scared, but she stayed strong and hopeful that everything would be okay. “Sweat rolled down Anne’s face as she struggled to keep up with her parents… Despite their terror, Anne and her family had to pretend that they were simply a family out for a stroll… If anyone discovered what they were doing, they could be arrested and killed.” (Lewis 6) This shows that Anne and her entire family was determined to make it even though they were very scared in the inside. Hoping to get, to the Annex safe. On August 1944, Dutch soldiers came and took her and her family
The article, “The Girl Who Lived Forever”, by Kristen Lewis, describes the hardships of Anne Frank, a Jewish girl, and her family, who like millions of other Jews, perished at the hands of the Nazis during WWII. Anne Frank lived during one of the most terrifying and horrific historical events the world has ever seen, the Holocaust. She and her family managed to survive for 2 long years in hiding, by living in a secret annex behind her father’s pectin factory. In August of 1944, the SS captured Anne and the others hiding in the annex. All but Otto Frank, Anne’s father, perished in the Nazi concentration camps. Though they lived through unspeakable and unimaginable challenges, Anne, her family and their friends showed a tremendous amount of courage trying to defy Hitler and his evil regime.
While in hiding, Anne Frank was closed off from the world as she was not allowed to leave the “Secret Annex”. To pass time Anne would read books and wrote in an autograph book she received for her 13th birthday, the book in which she used as a diary described her life in hiding, her various thoughts, and relationships with the members of the Secret Annex in which Anne was hiding in. Before going into hiding, Otto Frank had notified a few of his most trusted workers where they would be hiding. The workers would shortly visit the annex to tend the Franks with necessities such as food and gave news of the war. Although life was hard, their survival from Hitler’s regime seemed promising until in a sudden sad turn of events, one of Otto’s workers
Anne’s Belief of Survival Anne Frank was a Jew who had to struggle through the horrors of WWII. She had to hide with seven other Jews in a very cramped attic. While she was in hiding, she kept a diary where she recorded all her thoughts. These included her thoughts about her survival of the war. Anne went through periods of feeling good and bad but Anne believes that she will survive the war.
In the popular book and story of Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl there are many themes present throughout her journal. It’s a touching piece of literature that puts things into perspective about family, warfare, loneliness, and selfishness. Her diary gives insight about people who are actually living in those circumstances from Anne’s point of view, resulting in a more factual story than fictional novels loosely based on true events. Anne goes through a lot during her time in the Annex, including tense arguments with her family, bombings, thieves, Peter, and Dussel moving in. The events may not seem like that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things, but to a young girl, it’s a huge change of events. It shows a lot from her in the way she acts, Anne’s selfishness proving that stress and war can change people to be more selfish.
This evidence shows that no matter how long or how difficult it was to live in the Annex, Anne didn't lose hope. She has always been a lighthearted and fun girl even during hiding and through tragic events that occurred. Anne has effected many people such as her father and the
That is truly amazing. Anne makes everyone happier and just smile more. She can bring the best out of people and, in situations. Anne is just being a teenager and trying to have fun. I truly hope I can be like Anne someday. This girl went through torture and pain and still kept a smile on her face. Meanwhile if teenage doesn't acquire an iPhone they have a fit. We all need to take lessons and look at what's really important in life. Anne knew that family is more important than anything. She would do anything for them, it played a major role in making sure everyone wanted to continue on the journey they were all fighting for. If Anne was not a part of this hiding, who knows what would have happened. I'm so glad I was able to be taught a lesson from such an aspiring young woman, who had a horrible fate. We can not even comprehend the full story on what went on in the attic. There could've been much more terrible situations that happened in hiding that we will never know about. Nobody can judge anything that happened in hiding, because they will never truly know how it felt to be cooped up for two years. We should all give the Frank family our most respect. Especially to have a little girl who believed in people so
From Anne’s journal we learn that her day to day life has changed for the worst. But Anne never thought bad even though things around her were falling apart in the holocaust. She always tried to make the best out of her experience. Anne, her family, and others stayed in a hiding place throughout the holocaust. But before they went into their hiding place the Frank family received a call-up from the S.S saying that they are coming for the Franks. Therefore we can assume that the people in the hiding place feared getting caught by the S.S everyday. Even though Anne was not able to do much Anne mentioned that at least it’s better than being in a concentration camp cell. Although the Frank family was in a time of chaos they tried to live as normal
In the news article, ¨The Controversy over Anne Frank's Legacy,¨ published by JTA, and written by Toma Nugend, I agree with what is being said about Anne Frank during the Holocaust. I agree because, although Anne did live in hiding with little food and more people than the annex could have fit, she did have a safe place to stay and much more food to eat than others during her stay in the annex. Anne did not experience as much as others did during the Holocaust. There were some who were in the camps for much longer than Anne was and didn’t have the luxury of staying in hiding for two years with people helping them on the outside. I think if some of the things that were kept out of the diary, ended up staying in the diary or if she was allowed
Growing up during the Holocaust was a rough time especially for Anne. Growing up in a small cramped annex with strict rules and a family she hardly knew was not an easy transition from her living in her own home with some to no rules. To go into hiding Anne had to give up all of her friends and leave the school she was attending. It was like her and her family just disappeared. While staying in the annex for two years Anne has shown many characteristics of a survivor such as being friendly, becoming composed and having an optimistic attitude.
Anne Frank has been living in the Secret Annex for more than two years. She had high hopes that she was going to live, or that she would be able to continue her diary. But that all changed when she got found. So that doesn’t make sense that she was able to live beyond her death. But thanks to her father, that was able to happen.
Even though Anne Frank was being hunted by Nazi's she still believed that some of them are good at heart.This quote is from her diary, "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart."Anne has been probably one of the nicest girls you will ever meet . During her ordeal Anne Frank wanted to stay positive. Anne visually perceived glee in everyone, she wanted to stay optimistic. Anne Was saccharine and nice, and she wanted to be positive. I would not want to be miserable while in concealed, that would be terrible. Imagine having sadness and the extra sadness gets piled on top of that, that would suck. So she did all she did to keep herself happy so she didn't feel down all day.
By June 12, 1942, Anne Frank had been alive for thirteen years; as a gift, she received a diary. Her thirteenth birthday present was used to record her thoughts and emotions built up over the two years that she and the others stayed hidden away in the secret annex after her sister, Margot Frank, was called to a German concentration camp. This, an excerpt from Anne Frank 's diary, displays the horror that was felt: “I was stunned. A call-up, everyone knows what that means. Visions of concentration camps and lonely cells raced through my head.” A normal teenage girl shouldn’t have to endure these types of things. It was courageous of Anne to even write in the diary. She is truthful about the horror of this historical event. She could have left out the gruesome details but if
Even though Anne lived in confinement and in such circumstances she didn’t give up on herself and was still optimistic. This shows that Anne Frank is a strong person, at an early age she was able to not lose hope and still believed that people are really good at heart. She continued to grow as a person and still had positivity in
The story of Anne Frank is probably one of the most recognized and well known in the world. The experiences she and her family suffered through as they hid from the Nazis during the Holocaust. Their story is well documented in Anne’s own words through her diary. She revealed the horror and difficulties her family faced as they hid in an attic (the annex) for two years from the Nazis. Somehow, despite starvation, hours of total silence, and being separated from the outside world, she maintained a belief that man was still capable of humanity. In her diary, she stated, “In spite of everything, I still believe people are really good at heart.” How is it possible for someone who endured what she endured to still have kindness, optimism, and hope?
She lived a normal life until the Holocaust. Anne Frank was a child when she moved to the annex,but when she was freed she was a teenager. She went to a school with the other kids like a normal kid.According to Goodrich and Hackett Otto (Anne's father) told Anne that they were going to move. Anne agreed and got ready to leave (Goodrich and Hackett 3-8). Anne went through so much she had to stay quiet in the secret annex for about nine to ten hours every day for years. In The Diary of Anne Frank: The Play, Otto states “ Now about the noise.While the men are in the building below,we must have complete quite.Every sound can be heard down there...The men came at about eight-thirty,and leave at about five-thirty.” (Goodrich and Hackett 10). This shows what Anne,her family,and all the other families had to go through. They had to stay quiet during the day for long periods of time so they would not get caught. They had to make sure that none of the men downstairs in the offices heard them. If they got caught they would have the chance of losing their live by the Nazis. Anne was a little girl then a teenager when all of this happened. She went through so much. From sharing rooms with other people to sharing a limited supply of food with many other