
Analysis Of The Bean Eaters By Gwendolyn Brooks

Decent Essays

Within a court system, there are degrees to certain crimes - first degree murder, second degree murder, and so on. In association with this idea, I believe that most anything can be put on a spectrum like so, grading something on its intention and execution. Levels of “Americanness” in American literature is no exception to this idea. We are able to break down each piece of American literature and categorize it accordingly - first degree Americanness, second degree, or third degree - to better understand the author’s reasoning behind their writing (or lack thereof) or how and why they wrong, and how this data might compare with other pieces within the same category. With this concept in mind, I’m going to be analyzing “The Bean Eaters” by Gwendolyn Brooks and determine its spot on the spectrum in terms of “Americanness”. To kick off analyzing the piece, I believe it’d be best for me to outline my terms of Americanness in a piece of writing before I elaborate. After careful consideration, I’ve decided how to create the categories: first degree Americanness is going to be about something very blatantly American, whether that pertains to outright patriotism or political discussion. When someone writes something and the reader can very clearly figure out the topic of their work, that being American pride or criticism, it qualifies as first degree American. Second degree American is similar to this, but not so obvious. These pieces will contain American themes just as first

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