
Analysis Of The Book ' The Tour '

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“Well, here we are,” he said at last.
Yuki was afraid. Afraid of what might happen if her frail limbs couldn’t drag her deadweight body another inch. But, from the loud silence of the barren land she was lugging herself across by the direction of a boy, she heard a shout from ahead of her. They had finally arrived. Where exactly, Yuki had no clue.
Their tour guide eventually led them to a large building covered in rough-looking black tarpaper. Yuki then realized they had finally arrived at Barrack 2, where she and her family and close friends would be living for the rest of their lives. Yuki was hoping it was more colorful on the inside than it was on the outside. But at that moment, she didn’t care. The sun was beating down on them, dust was drifting into her respiratory system, causing her to cough constantly, and she was parched. Shriveled as she was, she felt as though her skin could be peeled from the bone. They all walked through the huge door on the side of the building. The feel of air conditioning made everyone there sigh with relief and ignore the fact that they entered their own living hell. The push of cold air was like a punch in the face. Smells were rushing through Yuki’s little nose. The scent was pungent; like mold and possibly a dead animal.
“What apartment were you all assigned to?” the guide asked.
“Yuki and her mother are in Apartment C,” Emi explained. “Grandma made sure we had rooms close to each other.” Emi smiled at the thought of her determined,

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