The Celtic Queen Boudicca of the Iceni earned her place in the history books as a hero of British lore in the years 60 and 61 C.E. After the passing of her husband and king, Prasutagus, the Roman army invaded the new Queen’s land and humiliated her, taking property, raping her daughters, and publicly flogging the Queen herself. Following this crime against humanity, Queen Boudicca vowed to destroy the Roman presence on the Isle of Great Britain. After a year of preparation, Boudicca marched into Roman territory with an army of 230,000. Boudicca “famously succeeded in defeating the Romans in three great battles” before the Roman governor Gaius Paulinus put down the revolt, “executing thousands of Iceni and taking the rest as slaves” …show more content…
Mr. Dahmer definitely intended to kill his victims, and something tells me that 9/11 wasn’t an accident, but what about Tornadoes and other natural disasters? These are not intentional acts, but the product of many variables like temperature, wind direction, season, and many other things. This narrows our definition of evil, but only slightly. Non-human objects or events cannot be “evil”, but the whole of humanity is left to be discussed. Ask any American to describe terrorists and likely the first word used will be Evil. Of course they are considered evil, the 9/11 attacks resulted in thousands of deaths yet the perpetrators gleamed with pride due to their actions. Despite this, terrorists cannot be placed in the category of pure evil simply due to their reason for their actions, as modern terrorists receive motivation from multiple political and social factors that in themselves can be considered evil. How can someone fighting a perceived evil wear the label of evil themselves? The phrase ‘serial killer’ might as well be a synonym for evil. Even the mention of names like Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy can induce chills down one’s back. People like these two show no remorse for planning out and executing multiple murders for reasons as simple as personal satisfaction. However, an unseen force other than Evil works on the minds of people like Jeffrey Dahmer: Mental Illness. The brain holds immense potential, but it’s dark side
Boudicca is a historical figure of undeniable significance, “one of those rare individuals from the past who have become folk heroes…” (Hingley, R & Unwin, C, 2005, 7). In Iron Age Britain, Boudicca was able to emerge as a Queen with unwavering passion, determination and the upmost of bravery in her rebellion against Roman rule. It therefore seems fitting to assess her significance and the impact she had in the years following her defeat and subsequent death in AD 60 or 61. However, today we have an ambiguous understanding of her actions, deficient in adequate archaeological evidence. Yet through drawing on the contemporary and secondary sources available, a well crafted
Queen Boudicca - or Boadicea - was the ruler of the Iceni tribe, where East Anglia is today. To the Romans, she was most certainly a terrorist - massacring thousands of their people, ransacking their cities, and raging bloody war against them. To her tribe, she was a hero. What she did was seen as liberating them, getting revenge for the heinous crimes the Romans committed against them. Although the Romans’ tale is not one usually told when speaking of this event, their point of view must also be considered.
The death of King Prasutagus marked the end of Celtic Britain’s amicable collaboration with the Romans, which consequently resulted in an immense abuse of power in the Roman treatment of the Celtic tribes. This served as the foundation for the Celtic rebellion, which was then stimulated into a revolt following the abuse of Prasutagus’s widow Boudicca, and
Throughout “Serial Killers: The Method and Madness of Monsters”, Peter Vronsky explores and identifies the many factors that go into the making of a serial killer. With his audience, he brings them through psychological, historical, and cultural research findings concerning serial killers along with investigating the minds of the serial killers leading him to understand why they commit gruesome crimes. Together, the research and observations led him to believe that serial killers are not born serial killers but become them due to them adapting to their social, psychological, and environmental traumas. Starting from the beginning, Vronsky continuously compares and contrasts patterns that are found within serial killers from birth to death. For example, the comparison of Ted Bundy and Jerry Brudos, who both were children with a confusing family dynamic and
Reaping one of the many benefits as it comes to being wealthy, Boudica lived in a Celtic Roundhouse until the age of seven. The second house she lived in greatly influenced her of becoming a powerful, trained, skilled warrior queen. It was AD 43 when Claudius ordered his Romans to invade Britannia, merely for his desperate need in a military achievement. Within AD 48, Boudica married King Prasutagus, “the head of the Iceni tribe in south East England” (Tejvan). Living in Norfolk with two children, the married couple’s freedom was limited under Rome’s power. When King Prasutagus died, the Claudius took over his kingdom, as well as seizing his wealth. Unsurprisingly, the savage Romans atrociously tortured Boudica and savagely raped her two daughters. Roman History captures the hunger for vengeance against the repulsive Romans: “In stature she was very tall, in appearance most terrifying, in the glance of her eye most fierce, and her voice was harsh”
A serial killer is a person defined as a series of two or more murders, committed as separate events. “They are generally cunning, manipulative, and know the difference between right and wrong but dismiss it as applying to them” (Montaldo, n.d.) We are often captivated by what they have done and not in a positive way but the intriguing part as to “why”. In reality I stop to think what was happening to this person or within their minds that caused them to behave in such a way. It’s said that these acts are due to Abnormal Psychology gratification, this is the unusual patterns of behavior, emotion and thought. After thorough research Dr. Helen Morrison believes that it is due to a chromosome abnormality. Dr. Morrison believes that serial killers begin to start expressing these tendencies in their teen
In his book Speaking with the Devil: Exploring Senseless Acts of Evil, psychotherapist Dr. Carl Goldberg, claims that “six concepts are crucial for understanding the problem of malevolence: shame, contempt, rationalization, justification, inability or unwillingness to self-examine, and magical thinking..” (xiii). Dr. Jonathan Pincus, a neurologist at Georgetown University Hospital, states that he knows what makes a serial killer. Pincus claims there are three ingredients to the recipe that makes a serial killer. Damage to the area of the brain that controls impulse is one of the key ingredients.
Unfortunately, it’s not unusual in this day and time to turn on the news and hear a warning about a new serial killer roaming our streets. It’s horrifying and hard to understand what could possibly make a person commit such heinous crimes. What is wrong with this person that drives him or her to commit such an act? The truth is that people have searched for the answer to that question for eons. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be many definitive answers to those questions.
Have you ever wondered why people do the things they do? Everyday we question ourselves about activities we see others performing and wonder what could possibly be their reasoning behind it all. Asking more questions is something we should all be doing. Some researchers have taken this curiosity to the next level and have asked themselves “Are serial killers born or created?” Are the actions of these psychopaths brought on by different events, or are they simply born with the ability to take another person 's life? These are the million dollar questions that everyone should be asking about serial killers. Something is different about those who are capable
To say that someone or somethings is evil, we first need to understand what evil is, and if it even exist. Evil according to the dictionary means malevolent or wicked. So yes evil exists, but can we be truly evil? Yes, the deeds we do can be evil, but does that make us evil? To answer these questions, we look to psychopathes, historical politicians, and psychological experiments to really find out if someone can really be evil.
“ I should have gone into college and gone into real estate and got myself an aquarium...That’s what I should have done…”~ Jeffrey Dahmer ( The Milwaukee Cannibal). Many think that serial killers are insane, not realizing how much thought goes into their killings and picking their victims. They also do not realize how much Serial Killer have in common, all the way from their personality, family life to neurological traits. Yet a very crucial fact that people tend to overlook is the very definition of insanity” A mental illness of such a severe degree that a person cannot distinguish fantasy from reality” and although Serial Killer may have a very twisted reality but they know that stealing a innocent's life is wrong, hiding under the claim
The Gallic Wars were the Romans attempts to conquer Celtic Europe under the rule of Julius Caesar. Tacitus describes the Celts in the Gallic Wars being “Exasperated by their acts of violence.” H. H. Sculard as also explains them “adventurous and brave… disciplined armies.” These are both viewpoints from the view of the Romans towards the Celts. The questions the reliability of the source, as it could be considered bias.
One of the reasons is why serial killers commit such tragic and gruesome actions. Nature has been the case in an abundance of different murderers when concerning mental illness. Most serial killers struggle with schizophrenia, which is a disorder that affects a persons ability to think, feel, and behave clearly(holdren 2015). A key example of schizophrenia is serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. Dahmer displayed his schizophrenic habits whenever police discovered dismembered body parts and organs inside his apartment(holdren 2015). Schizophrenia is a serious issue that must be addressed when dealing with a serial
By definition, evil is an act or feeling that is “profoundly immoral and malevolent”. The problem is that evil is a subjective term. Each person sees evil differently.
“The serial killer ‘is an entirely different criminal,’ ”The term serial killer is misleading on the ground that each murder is intended to be the last.” We see them as a figure of “the dark side of human potential,” but they believe they’re “on a heroic quest for the biggest score possible” They believe they are “the archetypal figure of impurity, the representative of a world which needs cleansing.” However, society knows that serial killers are not heroes, and they’re not cleansing the world. “The figure of the serial killer is violent impurity personified, and it is a construction that necessitates figures of violent purity to confront it.” While it can be argued whether having mental disorders should prevent a serial killer from being capitally punished, it is proven that many serial killers suffer from “paranoid schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis, or psychopathology.” It’s even said that “this crime is actually a form of disease. Its carriers are serial killers who suffer from a variety of crippling and eventually fatal symptoms, and its immediate victims are the people struck down seemingly at random by the disease carriers.” Serial killers usually have a stressor in their life that makes them start killing, and when they do “homicidal mania becomes ‘a necessity… linked to the very existence of a psychiatry which had made itself autonomous but needed thereafter to secure a basis for its intervention by gaining recognition as a component of public