
Analysis Of The Fiedler Contingency Theory On Leadership

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Question 1:
As a leader, the Fiedler contingency theory could be used to manage employees by placing the most suitable leader with his or her given style for the specific situation. Fiedler believed that leaders were incapable of changing their style of leadership to adapt to the situation. So instead, it is suggested that the situation or rather the leader replaced to match the specific situation. To optimize the favorability of a leadership situation, three components must first be taken into account: leader-member relations, task structure and positional power of the leader. The optimal leader-member relations have a good relationship between themselves (the leaders) and the followers. A good task structure possesses standard procedures which are in place to complete the tasks. And finally, the strong positional power refers to a leader having authority to evaluate performance and administer rewards or punishments. In contrast, the Hersey and Blanchard’s situational theory on leadership relied on leaders were capable of being flexible with their range of skills to adapt their behavior to the maturity of their followers. It is comprised of three components: the amount of task-related behaviors a leader displays, the amount of relationship-related behaviors a leader displays, and the level of maturity of the followers to perform a specific task. The first and second components are similar to that of the leader-member relations and task structure from the Fiedler contingency model. Whereas, the maturity of the employees given the specific tasks can vary depending on the individual follower. Someone with a high maturity indicates self-confidence and the ability to perform the task, and low maturity indicates a lack of ability and self-confidence. Therefore, leaders should assess each of their employees for their varying levels of self-confidence and ability to perform the task. Then they can tailor their response to the individual employee depending on the four levels of maturity that they display: guide, direct, delegate and support.
Question 2: As a leader, what form of power would you attempt to use on a consistent basis to manage your employees and why would you choose this form of power? As a leader, I

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