
Analysis Of The Idea Of Michael Jackson's Dick By Almond

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Michael Jackson had been succumbed to a really bad childhood. A childhood, in which a child plays around, enjoys and cherishes his time being loved by his parents and learning from them, he was made to sing with his brothers and was often mistreated by his father. It is said that family is where the life begins and love never ends but for Michael Jackson it was the opposite. In “The Idea of Michael Jackson’s Dick,” by Almond, one of the fictitious characters exclaims: “His dad beat him…His brothers despised him. His mother was in denial. No one ever made him feel loved as a child. He was just this little performing monkey. It was a kind of slavery” (Almond, 3). This explains that however he brought a lot of fame and attained popularity for his family …show more content…

Which turned him into a kid who didn’t aspire to become like his father. This lead to running away from everything that made him remember of his father, even his skin color. As said he was considered nothing more than a “performing monkey” to his family. These occurrences in his life changed him to the person he was before he passed away. What he went through psychologically made him execrate himself. It changed his actions and art in a subtle way. The only reason he was chasing the feeling of being loved was because he had never been loved in the past. He liked being childlike as he could reach his target audience. People used to love him as a child and being childlike was what they wanted which caused Jackson to act childlike throughout his entire life. Sullivan mentions that, “His art will later depend on his ability to stay in touch with that childlike inner instrument” (Sullivan, 3). He used to act childish just to preserve the childlike voice he had. We can also infer as that he could only do well when he was under pressure or maybe he wanted to stay as a child because people wanted him to. Jackson modified himself to be

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