
Analysis Of The Manipulated Man By Esther Vilar

Satisfactory Essays

In her book, The Manipulated Man, Esther Vilar argues that women are joining the workforce and enrolling in college exclusively as a mean to find higher paid men to marry. They enter into jobs or schools and have nothing expected of them, and do the bare minimum amount of work in order to stay there and look for their ideal spouse. Once a woman has found a suitable man and convinced him to marry her she will quit her job and become a housewife. Men continue to work and be held to a much higher standard for the rest of their lives. Despite her argument that women do not go to college to become successful, Vilar was very successful, academically and professionally. She was born to German immigrants and went on to receive her doctorate and …show more content…

With her credentials the piece almost feels as though it was meant to be satirical, but she is writing sincerely. Even if she did not contradict herself, her main arguments are not very sound and are based primarily in logical fallacies.
In order to support her claim Vilar used hasty generalizations to create strawman fallacies as her main arguments. She fabricates what a man and woman are to act like, and claims that that applies to most if not all people in the western world. She creates a depiction of a woman as being predatory, uncaring, and able to breeze through life without putting forth any effort, while men are aggressive workers willing to do anything to get ahead or to keep a woman happy. She makes these claims and puts them forth as being true for almost every person, without giving any sort of anecdotal evidence to help support her claim. She puts forth stereotypes, like the beautiful woman being unintelligent and the woman that graduates is ugly, and tries to use these as points to support her argument. She makes the world seem very black or white, and disregards any grey area that might challenge her ideals. Women will either give up their career or not get married, men will either be miserable yes men or they will fail in the business world, work for women is just a place to flirt or they will not find the right man; things of this nature are the main pieces of evidence in Vilar’s claim. She uses these vague examples of

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