
Analysis Of The Movie Syriana

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The movie Syriana is set in about four different plots and this very deep geopolitical thriller. It captures a lot of the real world situations that are going on in the middle-east and the behind the scenes activities of such dealings. The big oil companies in the middle-east are rich but the whole world knows it’s a temporary status, until other bigger countries suck them dry. The problem is that with all the corruption and lack of a functional and considerate government the riches are never seen or felt by the regular people which are the vast majority but only by their 1% rich families. The movie shows of a wide variety of complicated situations and what makes it realistic is that there is no happy endings but just cause and effect, action and reaction, in the real world not always the good guy wins but the powerful or the wittiest. The Pakistani plot shows them as immigrant workers, father and son, in “The Emirate” which most likely resembles Iran and since they don’t speak Arabic that well, they are discriminated against. They got laid off their jobs due to a buyout from the Chinese and went to a madrassa. Where they were properly fed, sheltered and taught Islamic values. There they met with an Egyptian who manipulated their thoughts on the oil company that fired them and spoke to them about the greater good and how they can achieve that. Comes out that they were recruited and convince to be suicide bombers and drive a missile into a Connex LNG tanker. The missile they

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