
Analysis Of The Movie ' The Flood '

Decent Essays

The Flood There was a ear-piercing screech as the Boeing 747’s wheels connected with the runway. They had arrived. Abby and her mom, Carol, were in Thailand, the land of the elephants, on the trip of her life. Abby and her mom had scavenged and saved every last penny to fly halfway across the world. They hugged as Abby squealed in delight, they would be here for one month to discover the world outside of America. She had escaped from school for a week! She still couldn’t believe that her teacher, Mrs Hildebrand, had allowed her to miss all schoolwork in exchange for an essay about her adventures! Snapping back into reality, Abby realised that they hadn’t moved from the runway. Where was the terminal? She looked around in curiosity when …show more content…

She rolled her suitcases down the aisle and huffed and puffed her way down the stairs. Abby boarded the bus closely followed by her mom, who had a reassuring hand on the small of her back. The bus took off at record speed toward the magnificent t-shaped building with roofs made out of stunning white canvas domes. They pulled up to their terminal and deboarded the bus. Continuing on through a tunnel marked for Arrivals. Abby couldn’t help but gape at the beautiful statues and carvings surrounding her in this foreign airport. They walked through customs and retrieved the rest of their luggage from a conveyor belt. Once they had possession of their luggage, they located a man that held a sign with “Carol and Abby Fonelle” written on it with black lettering. “That’s us,” said Carol to the man holding the sign. “Maa gap chan” said the man. Carol, Abby’s mom, retrieved her Thai-English dictionary and said, “He says, good, come with me.” The ladies followed the man obediently out into a white van with foreign lettering. They climbed in the van and the man drove out of the airport. The air was hot and humid and Abby couldn’t believe she was already sweating. She stared out the window dazed at the sights. There were giant billboards with huge pictures and Thai advertisements. The road was full of thousands and thousands of motorbikes. There were more motorbike than cars! The crazy part was, there were up to 6 people on one motorbike and

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