
Analysis Of The Novel ' Mister Pip '

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In my opinion a novel has to capture the reader’s attention in the first two pages and hold that same attention throughout the whole journey for it to be a novel that is worthwhile reading. Lloyd Jones’ literary style throughout the novel Mister Pip is captivating, compelling, grotesque and enlightening all at once. Through the various personalities and explorations of each character and through back stories that unfold through flashbacks and story telling, Lloyd Jones lures the reader into the story.

When readers express their fondness for a novel it is generally because the first few pages reel them in and intrigues them to learn more about the story to come. Lloyd Jones opens the novel with a detailed description of one of the main characters Mr Watts. By starting the book with ‘Everyone called him Pop Eye.’ (page 1) creates a mystery about who Mr Pop Eye and Mrs Pop Eye could be and why they are so important to be the introduction to the novel, this gives the impression that he is a major key character to the plot of this novel. It is also the introduction to Bougainville and the time of place that the reader is taken to. We learn that Papua New Guinea is rich with copper and that most of the men on the island have moved away from the villages to work at the mine and the women and children are left to look after the village with the exception of a couple of older men that would be able to do the more difficult jobs that women couldn 't do such as, Gilbert 's father

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