
Analysis Of The Spirituality Of Psalms By Walter Brueggeman

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In The Spirituality of Psalms the author, Walter Brueggeman, a Professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological seminary, convincingly makes the claim that faith in the Book of Psalms “is focused on two decisive moves of faith” regarding the faith of Israel (p.9): (1) the move from a season of settled orientation to disorientation, and (2) the move from disorientation to a new orientation (p. 11). Furthermore, the author focuses his claim around three general themes regarding the types of psalms found in the Book of Psalms: “psalms of orientation, psalms of disorientation, and psalms of new orientation” (p.8). Understanding these three types of psalms, and how they relate to one another, plays a crucial part in not only understanding the …show more content…

However, how do we reconcile psalms of orientation and disorientation with each other? For they seem to be each other’s opposites. When looking at this apparent contradiction, it is important to remember that “God does in any case govern, rule, and order, regardless of how the data seem to appear” (p.26). Therefore, just because the psalms of orientation are not experience first-hand does not mean that they are any less true of God’s provision. Furthermore, the church has always clung to psalms of orientation when a life of disorientation is so evident. Bruggemann suggests that this reason is twofold: (1) the church insists that nothing, even a life of disorder, will cause division between the church and God, and (2) denial that a life of disorientation exists comes from fear experienced during the disorientation. The latter being the case because in the modern church it has been expressed that fear, doubt, or even negative emotions is someone an act of unfaithfulness. The author, however, makes it clear that this is not the case. Everything, even the darkness experience in life, should be brought before God. Bringing everything before God is, in fact, an act of bold faith. The author urges that “the use of these “psalms of darkness” may be judged by the world to be acts of unfaith and failure, but for the trusting community, their use is an act of bold faith. . . “(p.27). The disorientation psalms are a mix of praises and pleas consisting of personal and communal complaint songs. The psalms of disorientation acknowledge that God is present and active in life, even when darkness, weakness, and turmoil is experienced. Better yet, the psalms embrace darkness as a starting point for new

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