Finding yourself can be difficult but it will be worthwhile in the end. In “Be Yourself” the author shows throughout the story that being yourself makes you a happier and more successful person. The main character did everything she could to fit in by joining clubs and changing the way she looks. She doesn't need to change everything about herself to find herself. I believe that being yourself and not conforming to others is very important. In the story, the narrator explains that she joined every school club she was able to. She did this to fit in and find her strengths and weaknesses. Everyone at one point in life has said or done something that they don't necessarily agree with just to fit in. It is implied that the narrator is happier
In junior high school and high school she wanted to fit in with the rest
Even though it is a struggle, being yourself is the best thing that you can be. When trying to be yourself, it is common to face obstacles and hardships that can get in the way of achieving your goals. The character Squeaky from “Raymond’s Run”, by Toni Cade Bambara, faces obstacles and hardships, but in the end she learns that people should not expect her to be someone she is not. She learns to be herself, and no one else. The song, “She Used to Be Mine” by Sara Bareilles is all about being yourself. It deals with obstacles like facing your fears, and the idea that nobody is perfect. The story “Raymond’s Run”, explains how Squeaky, the main character, does not feel accepted by anyone. Her mother expects her to be a “typical girl”, and her
One must not settle for anything when finding out who he is. Just because something is easy doesn’t mean it is the right choice. In order for a person to make a unique place in society and not just conform to what everyone else is doing,
“Turning oneself into a character” by Phillip Lopate. I agree with the author to be one with yourself, you must reflect on life. Also, reveal personal traits that you have and give a deepness on what type of person you are. Plus, with the self-curiosity about yourself will caused a huge impact on the personal essay. I think another way of making yourself a character is to tell about the dislikes in your life and how handle them in real life. But telling the proudest moment of your life can really bring out the character which is yourself, plus making the reader excited or feeling any type of emotion there is. think the author made it clear on the letter “I” has good properties on personal narratives and gives the reader a perfect example of
“You are your only border - throw yourself over it!” - Hafis ,persian poet. If you only get one shot at being a person, why not be you? Being yourself is better than being anyone else, always be you!
In modern society, many adolescent girls are becoming young adults under the pretenses of false selves. When dealing with issues such as divorce, sex and violence, drugs and violence, and mass media, girls are learning to create a false identity in order to live up to stereotypical standards of beauty, popularity, and success. The book Reviving Ophelia, by Mary Pipher, Ph.D., discusses the accounts of several different girl’s therapy sessions, conducted by Dr. Pipher, which deal with aggression, disorders, and insecurities that are causing mental, physical, or emotional issues within adolescent girls trying to overcome the systematic oppression placed upon them. Throughout the book, several different girls’ stories were relatable to my own personal experience of adolescents in relation to the unrealistic expectations that create social, physical, and mental issues for many adolescent girls. One of the main hardships I was able to relate to throughout the book that Pipher describes as creating depression for girls, is divorce (Pipher, Pg. 136).
She doesn’t want to fit in with the group that segregated society has put her in. She also doesn't want to fit in with her mom and the standards she has set for her life. Mama
Both Dade and Julian where fixated on proving themselves right and defending their beliefs about
Why should I live up to other people’s expectations instead of my own.” She also throughout the story goes against the norm. Even being popular is scary for her. Both of these show that developing your own identity on your own can be scary and pushed
Now, almost a decade later I have learnt what is really important to me. It is important to step back and listen to yourself instead of looking at others. Today, with a bigger distance to my highschool years I can see what was happening to me and why I acted the way I did. I was fantasising about who I could become to be loved and acknowledged by the people around me. I thought defining myself would make me feel more secure about myself. Looking around me I can see the phenomenon of the search for identity almost everywhere.
In years past, I felt as if I need to conform to what was around me to fit in or be considered a normal person. I struggled with this for a long time until I realized on how unhappy I was. I thought that if I had done all these things that I belonged with my peers .I learned that I would be much more happy in my own skin and doing things that make me happy as well. I learned that it was okay to be different and have a strange personality and perspective on life.
Great Expectations tells the ultimate rags to riches story of the Orphan Pip. Dickens takes his readers through life changing events that ultimately mold the identity of the main character. Dividing these events into sections will provide the basis for interpreting which events had the most profound effect on Pip’s identity towards the end of the novel. These life-changing events provide the catalyst for the development of Pip’s character from childhood, his adolescence, maturing into a social gentleman, and finally becoming a self-aware man of society.
The quote once said by Ralph Waldo Emerson stated, “ To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you into something else is the greatest accomplishment.” This quote meant that even if the world is trying to make you into something else it's your choice to be yourself or be what the world wants you to be. But what I would choose is to be yourself be the best choices to be the world's greatest accomplishment. But their are some reasons why you want to be yourself.
The phrase “Why fit in when you’re born to stand out?” (Jerry Spinelli, Stargirl) is false in the context of how Stargirl acts. Throughout the novel, Stargirl acts differently from her classmates, which has negative effect on her classmates. During the novel Stargirl cheers for the opposing team- encouraging others to do so as well- and acts in a manner that other students see as desirable. The way that her actions affect the Mica High students is discouraging and competition and causing students to abandon their self-identity, respectively.
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment”,Ralph Waldo Emerson. We humans by nature, are submissive to the crowd,in which,has formed the majority of our rudimentary past;however, those who weren't submissive brought up the society we have today. Not only that, but why focus on being something you not when you could easily form something great with what you already have;defining yourself and forming an identity true to you. It's all around you,from the phrases to the beauty trends;few who do have implicated and changed society's course never flow with the crowd. For example;Rosa Parks,if she hadn't objected to giving her seat to the white man,society's norm wouldn't have been questioned.