There were emotions I felt while I read this book times when I would stop reading and analyze the things that happen to Walter McMillian. There were even times when I felt that the situation happening in the book were done to me. I wanted to sometimes tell that they were being wrongly done I wanted to help out. I felt very heartbroken through some situations kids my age were going through. Sometimes I put myself in their shoes to see what I would have done. When I finished the book I had a different view of our society. I knew that black people were treated bad but after I finished the story I haven't truly understood the pain they went through until now. This book taught me even though there are situations that might be difficult I should
Over all this book was very interesting to read. The Lynchings in Duluth has a strong tie to this course because of the racial issues that it covers and the ethical issues that it mentions are interesting to think about as well. The book did a great job of making me think about things differently because it gave a solid impartial report from both sides of the story thus allowing the reader to come to their own conclusions about who was in the wrong and what they would have done were they in the characters shoes. I have no way of judging what I would do if I were in the same situation as all of the people involved, I can say that if I were one of the police officers involved I would have try my best to protect the men in my custody but I don’t
I found it extraordinary with every decision or turning point a character faced in their lives. What I have assimilated from this book is you cannot let where you come from determine your path, it is only you who can determine your future. This is also why the author Wes was one of my favorite characters in this narrative. His story is one out of a multitude that shows anyone can have a bright future. But I did not discern any similarities with the characters and myself. We all were born into different situations and grew up around opposite influences. Overall, my impression of the novel is positive I believe it is an outstanding book and anyone else who reads it I would hope agrees. I would definitely recommend this book to people because it may help them appreciate
As I read the book I felt more and more sorry for Jurgis and his family. The struggles and hardships that they went though as well as what other immigrants where going through at the time. I feel that people during this time where treated very unfairly and when it came to the meat packing companies I think that the cows pigs had a better life. This is because the animals where fed every day no matter what because the people that wanted to sell them needed for them to look like that had a lot of meat on them not just skin and bone. The pay that the people working in these plants made did not always pay for the rent of their one rat infested room, let alone to put food on the table.
From information gathered, my opinion is that this book had emotional effect on most people. It was tragic and sad and also a profound impact on readers when it was first published. It talked about the history of the white settlement of the American west which was told by the people who were there both white and indian which was not learned in school. It is a great book which present a people who loved the earth and respected human life. It also talked about the loss of a beautiful land and the demise of a conscientious and spiritual way of life and finally the extirpation of a nation of people. The interest in environmental issues was growing and the accounts of the destruction by the settlers of the Eastern forest, the soiling of the rivers
Prior reading this book, I had very little knowledge about the Slave Rebellion that took place at the Stono River. I was also not very open-minded about the book. As I started reading, I started to get really engaged to the book. What really made me want to keep reading was the fact that the author was continuously looking for answers to this event. We also find out that there are different sides to this story. As he provides us previews of the different stories, I began to get very eager in finding out what they were and why were there so many to begin with.
Truly the book had shown me that African-Americans were not the only people that were oppressed by Whites, but also Mexicans as well and they lynched not as much as African-Americans and all the attention was put on the South, Honestly, I’ve known that Mexicans were discriminated not lynched, and I felt as though that indeed there was too much emphasis on African-Americans more than Mexicans, which is probably why I have never known of the lynching in the US South west. All of the severe punishments that came with the crimes remineded of Draco’s law (Draco was a Greek who wrote his laws so severe it was said that they were written in blood, sounds cliché but it’s true). Anyway, this book was excellent and I had learned a lot from it, it made feel like that I really did ignore the innocent, mostly, people that killed for crimes that they did not commit or wrongfully accused. Just comes to show me how poorly taught I was back then, but now I know and I will use this knowledge to tell others that other people were also lynched, not just one group over all. I really appreciated what the book presented to me about the misfortunates of foreigners living in another country whose people hate because they are from other places, not the native land. Truly it shed some light into my learning experience when studying the
For my first reading book assignment, I read My Life with the Walter Boys, by Ali Novak. My Life with the Walter Boys is about a girl named Jessie Howard who has to move from a high end New York city life to a country life in Colorado after her parents and sister die in a car crash. She moves in with the Walters who have 11 boys and one girl who is basically one of the guys. While living there, Jessie gets herself stuck in a love triangle between gorgeous two of the brothers.
There are man people that think this book is amazing and there are people that think this book is just not educational they say it brings back the past of things that don't happen any more. I think this book is a good book and explains the things that matter. The book basically show how blacks were treated back in the bay. It gives great examples of how life was back then and on how many people view black not just one opinion.
Compare an event in the novel with a situation in your own life OR one that is reflected in today's world. Similarities? Differences? What is your reaction to this event? Does it make you angry, sad or excited? Why? Did you learn anything new?
It was really a joy reading it and experiencing the tolls of the tragedies on the narrator as I read. However, it was a very sad and moving story that would have you crying at parts and laughing out loud at others. I would suggest this book to anyone, as long as they enjoy books that might make them a bit emotional. Overall, I thought this was one of the best books I have ever read, just the story line was truly fantastic.
This movie did an excellent job portraying the time era in which the Civil War was taken place and depicts the emotions and pressures of war. The movie helped me to visual that time period in a better sense and to see the perspective of African American soldiers fighting in the Civil War. The movie showed a lot more in depth and personal feelings of the black soldiers during that time period. The movie portrayed what the black soldiers had to deal with as soldiers of the Union and it helped me to visual what I learned about the black regiments during the civil war. The film even showed the soldiers having to do manual labor and lute the southern towns and cities. It also showed how even though the black soldiers were on the same side as the white soldiers of the Union, the black soldiers were still treated as unequal and faced prejudice daily by the other white soldiers. It also showed the strong belief of many of the white Union soldiers that they fought for emancipation and the freedom of the
This affects the reader truly because we all know this happened but to have an author that is able to paint a picture in your mind makes it all more real and in some parts it was really disgusting the way white people treated the African Americans and the detail on wounds really got me I still can picture the grooves in the foot and being able to place a pencil in them as well as the whipping gashes this makes the reader really want Fredrick to escape his cruel punishments and be
There are a lot of things I enjoyed about this novel, but my favorite was the foreshadowing.“I ain’t ever seen any jury decide in favor of a colored man over a white man .” Is just one example of foreshadowing in the book. I really admire when an author gives small hints to what is going to happen later in
You don't find this type of historical book interesting very often, but this one was. Everyone who I know has read or is currently reading it agrees. Learning and discovering different perspectives and stories that are sad but exciting are what made me continue reading this book. I never got bored of the book. There was never a dull moment. Somewhere in a span of 2 pages, there would be a problem, or something bad would happen. It kind of felt like a mystery to me. I would try and think, with all the things that have happened are they going to make it to their destination. Are they going to get to Florida, Greece, or Cuba? Also, now knowing in detail what people in the 1900’s and now are facing makes me feel educated in a way, which I like. Reading what sacrifices these characters and their families had to do to survive really moved me in a way a book hasn't done to
In the light of, the director makes good points through the whole movie about what they went through. I like this movie because it gives me more information of the people who were involved or who were there during that time. Like, Ann Lee Coper (Oprah Winfrey), Martin Luther King (David Oyelowo), and the rest of the people who help fight for African Americans to be able to vote. The movie also shows the difficult and the happy time they went through. Even the problems with their family. No matter what’s going on, they were still focus and full invested in having freedom. What I learned from this movie was that they did not let all the obstacles of what they went through mess up their main goal because of that I am able to take those lesson for my