In The Watsons go to Birmingham, By Christopher Paul Curtis, a boy named Kenny gets to go to Birmingham, Alabama, during one of the darkest moments in America’s history. Before him and his family left to Birmingham he has to deal with other problems like dealing with the cold time in Flint, Michigan, his brother being mean and beating him up, he has to deal with people being mean to him for being black or not bringing enough food for the other people in his grade that he hangs out with. But Kenny has one friend that stays with him after some rough times and his name is Rufus. While reading the book, you’ll find that he has a friend but he's not truly a friend his name is L. J. he likes to steal stuff he tricks Kenny into hiding stuff in places
In 'Ballad of Birmingham,' Dudley Randall illustrates a conflict between a child who wishes to march for civil rights and a mother who wishes only to protect her child. Much of this poem is read as dialogue between a mother and a child, a style which gives it an intimate tone and provides insight to the feelings of the characters. Throughout the poem the child is eager to go into Birmingham and march for freedom with the people there. The mother, on the other hand, is very adamant that the child should not go because it is dangerous. It is obvious that the child is concerned about the events surrounding the march and wants to be part of the movement. The child expresses these feelings in a way
In the story, “The Watsons go to Birmingham” by Christopher Paul-Curtis, the main character Kenny is smart, imaginative, and caring. He is smart with school and people, imaginative underneath all of the smarts, and caring towards his family.
In the story the Watsons go to birmingham the family the Watsons are Kenny, Dad Daniel, Brother Byron, Mom Wilona, and little sister Joetta. Byron bullies Kenny because of his droopy eye. Byron is very bad and doesn’t listen to his parents which leads him into trouble. Byron dyes his hair and his dad has to cut it off. Byron doesn’t shapen up which leads to the Watsons going to Birmingham for the summer.
In the book, The Watsons Go to Birmingham-1963, written by Christopher Paul Curtis; the character Mrs. Watson, is the mother of three children, Kenny, Byron, and Joey. Some of her characteristics is that, she is very strong willed but she cares a lot about her children and other people. My mother and Wilona, are similar because they both worry about their children.
In the novel, “The Watsons Go to Birmingham” written by Christopher Curtis, there are two brothers named Kenny and Byron. Byron is so bad-tempered and combative while Kenny is passive and a hypocrite. I believe that Kenny does not treat people better than Byron. For example, from the text on page 43, when Larry Dunn makes fun of Rufus and Cody, Kenny joins in with the entire bus to heckle the boys.
One of the characters from the book “The Watsons go to Birmingham-1963” by Christopher Paul Curtis, is Bumphead, who is Byron’s best friend and fellow juvenile delinquent. One of his traits is bully, he bully many kids including his own brother. He bullies them either for their appearance or just for the fun of it. Bumphead bully Rufus for the way he dresses because Rufus doesn’t have much clothes. An example of his bully is when Bumphead put butter on Byron’s head, this caused Byron’s dad to cut all his hair. This shows that Bumphead is a mean and bad young boy who likes to bully others. He doesn’t care about what can be the result of his bully to other kids. I do not agree with Bumphead’s behavior because he can get in a big trouble doing
One theme in The Watsons go to Birmingham by Christopher Paul Curtis was not built into the book numerous times, but was only a few. The theme may have only been built in a few times but the conflict to the theme had a great deal of impact on the main character. This theme is to hold on close to your family, keep a good family relationship. This theme was brought into the book by little pieces, then at the end of the book the theme was brought into the story more. This theme was shown from many perspectives, different characters felt this theme at a point in the book.
The main character's name is Stanley Yelnats. At first, you see stanley as an alright kid who has made a bad decision stealing. “ I stole some sneakers” (pg 22). Throughout the rest of the story you find that stanley is nice and always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. “He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time all thanks to his no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather” (Pg 7). At school before camp Green Lake he was bullied and treated bad. “he didn’t have any friends at home, he was overweight” (pg 7). At camp Green Lake Stanley made a new friend, his best friend “Zero”. He get’s along great with Zero and teaches him how to read. “I’ll try
It has often said that “A child become an adult not only when he is right, but when he is wrong.” This is evident in the historical fiction novel, The Watsons Go To Birmingham, 1963, by Christopher Paul Curtis when he talks about coming of age. The author uses symbolism to convey the message that growing up means facing reality.
Creative Title To succeed in life it takes a loving and supporting family. This is seen in the historical fiction novel, The Watsons Go To Birmingham,1963, by Christopher Paul Curtis when the Watsons travel to Birmingham during the Civil Rights movement. During the road trip, the family experiences tragic things that make them closer together. The author uses symbolism to convey the message that family brings unity.
An important theme in “The Watsons go to Birmingham” is People can change. The book shows this with the character Byron. In the beginning of the story Byron was more of a teenage juvenile delinquent, but in the end Byron becomes more helpful and caring with his family. The theme starts with how Byron started, then developed from there.
Published in 1995 by Christopher Paul Curtis, The Watsons Go to Birmingham is a story of an African- American family living in a town of Flint, Michigan, having a journey to Birmingham, Alabama in 1963. The movie came out in 2013, similar to the original novel. This loving family consists of five members: Byron Watson, an official juvenile delinquent, Kenneth Bernard Watson, ten years old boy with a lazy eye, Joetta Watson, an obedient youngest Watson, Wilona Sands Watson, Momma who always look after her kids, and lastly, David Watson, a thoughtful reliable dad. In fact, the movie is quite different from the novel, because the plot events don’t match with the movie, there is fused resolution, there is some missing and different characters, and the focus of the theme are slightly different.
The Ballad of Birmingham resembles a traditional ballad in that it tells a story in a song-like manner. The didactic tone seeks to teach us something; in this case it’s the theme of needless destruction. There are many devices the author uses to create such a tone and to tell such a story.
Synopsis The main character, Oliver Watson, is a young, selfish businessman who is constantly being ridiculed by his self absorbed father and the general public. Because of his father, his business is running great, but Oliver hates it. He would do anything to not be in this line of work. Even at 34, his father continues to control much of what he does in his social and work life.
The Watsons Go To Birmingham, 1963 an Allegorical Novel Have you ever wondered how a book, like The Watsons Go To Birmingham, 1963, relates to the real world? The Watsons Go To Birmingham, 1963, by Christopher Paul Curtis is historical fiction about the Watsons an average AFrican American family taking a trip to Birmingham and getting exposed to racism in the world. Both the Watsons and America face challenges that they must overcome, much like in the 1960s. The first reason that the Watsons relate to the real world is that both the people of the United States and the Watson children don’t realize the racism around them. The second reason is that eventually Americans and the Watson children get exposed to the racism.