
Analysis Of To Tell Or Not To Tell By Mary Kate Frank

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In 350 schools across the nation, nearly 400,000 students know when to speak about bullies and shooters to authorities. That isn’t a very big number compared to our nation’s population. With that, there are also many students out there who don't speak up. All of the students who weren't taught how could save many lives. If they aren't told, those students and others could die. With an increase in bullies and shooters in the nation, people should need to know how to stop them. Even so, people are still afraid to tell on bullies and shooters. Those people could save their entire school. Although one side of readers of the article “To Tell or Not to Tell?” by Mary Kate Frank have argued that telling authorities about bullies could harm the students physically, closer examination shows that reporting bullies and shooters can save yourself and others. …show more content…

Bullying is happening all over the world and it is a huge problem. According to, victims of bullying are between 2 to 9 times more likely to commit or consider suicide. If bullying is stopped or lowered around the world, the suicide levels would drop as well. Telling about bullies can help others going through it. There is also another form of danger in schools. School shooters are a very big threat to the peace of mind and lives of every student. Information from shows that ever since 2013, there have been at least 203 school shootings in America, with an average of one every week. With this evidence, we can see that school shootings are quite frequent and happen across the U.S. Shooters could harm or even kill people inside of a school. Telling authorities about school shooters could save an entire

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