Mommy Issues: A “Beloved” Response Essay
Late in 1987, after being inspired by a fellow story of a female fugitive slave, Toni Morrison pens a novel about a runaway slave and her children. Although Morrison’s “Beloved” quickly became a best-seller, and even has a movie adaption, it still left the audience with many unanswered questions. This novel not only gave a voice to those who were often silenced in the male stories of slavery, but it also perfectly exemplified the relationship was between the mother and the child, and the effects of slavery. Much like Jacob’s autobiography, Morrison follows directly on the issue of shame, as the protagonist of this novel is often haunted by her actions following the passing of the Fugitive
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Arguably, Baby Suggs provides a maternal role for both Sethe and Denver as she nourishes and cares for them upon their arrival. Suggs, who is Halle’s mother, has previously been taken care of the Already Crawling? Baby, and the two boys prior to the girl’s arrival at her home in Ohio. Baby Suggs, who later reflects on why she chose to go by this name, symbolizes the beauty of nature and forgiveness, not only for Sethe, but the community around her. She very much symbolizes the healing process, and optimism for those that have been scarred by slavery. Yet, when she feels betrayed, Baby Suggs withdraws and results in both Sethe and Denver recoiling from society as well. As Suggs gave up preaching, she lost her faith in people and soon wasted away to mere ashes of the earth. However, it is important to note that unlike Sethe’s mother, Baby Suggs still has an effect upon the girls. In regards to the concept, Morrison exemplifies their relationship near page 173, when Sethe quotes “Lay it all down, sword and shield”--suggesting that she should face the reality of her actions.
However, the most significant mother-daughter relationship within the complexity of this novel comes in the relationships between Sethe, Denver, and Beloved. Boudreau states in her article “Pain and Unmasking of the Self in Toni Morrison’s Beloved” that “the maternal bonds between Sethe and her children inhibit her own individuation and prevent the development of her
In her novel Beloved, Toni Morrison spins an intricate web between names and numbers for the reader to unravel. The deep connection that lies between names and numbers is a direct correspondence to the identity and worth of black people during slavery. Beloved begins with the identity of the house which is characterized by a number. The house is given a temperament as if it is a living, breathing entity and yet it still referred to as a number. The significance of this is symbolic to the plight of the black slaves. Regarded as little above the common animal, slaves were defined by their selling price, essentially they were reduced to a number. Viewed as nonbeings they nevertheless feel and suffer their place in the south. The character Beloved is similar in this regard as well. All that defines her is an age and a name that remains unfluctuating through time. In an insufferable and cruel world, names and numbers play a critical role in understanding the identity of black existence in the South. To uncover the implications and nuances that names and numbers play will be instrumental to delving into the lives of black slaves. Beloved contains a vast amount of names and numbers and the connections between them deepen the novel and provide mammoth insight into understanding and interpreting Morrison’s work and purpose for juxtaposing such elaborate bonds between names and numbers.
Denver grows up in the instant she steps off of her front porch. Morrison beautifully describes the moment of her blossoming: "Denver wrapped her hair and her shoulders. In the brightest of the carnival dresses and wearing a stranger's shoes, she stood on the porch of 124 ready to be swallowed up in the world beyond the edge of her porch" (243). Leaving her yard, Denver steps onto an endless highway of unanswerable questions, questions that she is afraid of because of her mother's failure to provide answers. Nonetheless, Denver is emboldened by hunger and a desperate love for her mother. She resolves that she must provide nourishment
So often, the old adage, "History always repeats itself," rings true due to a failure to truly confront the past, especially when the memory of a period of time sparks profoundly negative emotions ranging from anguish to anger. However, danger lies in failing to recognize history or in the inability to reconcile the mistakes of the past. In her novel, Beloved, Toni Morrison explores the relationship between the past, present and future. Because the horrors of slavery cause so much pain for slaves who endured physical abuse as well as psychological and emotional hardships, former slaves may try to block out the pain, failing to reconcile with their past. However, when Sethe, one of the novel's central characters fails to confront
Sethe lives in the shadow of her act of infanticide throughout the entire length of the book. This is because its legacy pervades itself throughout the entire novel, showing events leading up, and ways the future has been affected. The novel begins as such: “124 was spiteful. Full of a baby’s venom. (Page 1)” This baby refers to Beloved, who became a ghostly presence in Sethe’s house and continuously terrorizes the house
Toni Morrison’s Pulitzer Prize winning book Beloved, is a historical novel that serves as a memorial for those who died during the perils of slavery. The novel serves as a voice that speaks for the silenced reality of slavery for both men and women. Morrison in this novel gives a voice to those who were denied one, in particular African American women. It is a novel that rediscovers the African American experience. The novel undermines the conventional idea of a story’s time scheme. Instead, Morrison combines the past and the present together. The book is set up as a circling of memories of the past, which continuously reoccur in the book. The past is embedded in the present, and the present has no
Toni Morrison brings another surprise to the story of Beloved. The addition of character Beloved conceals whole meaning Morrison tries to conduct to the readers. So far, character Beloved is portrayed as an innocent, pure, yet egotistic girl. Beloved also presumably the incarnation of Sethe’s dead baby, whose tomb is engraved Beloved. Morrison offers supernatural element in the story to create mysterious and spooky atmosphere, which raise curiosity and excite readers even more.
The maternal bond between mother and kin is valued and important in all cultures. Mothers and children are linked together and joined: physically, by womb and breast; and emotionally, by a sense of self and possession. Once that bond is established, a mother will do anything for her child. In the novel Beloved, the author, Toni Morrison, describes a woman, Sethe, who's bond is so strong she goes to great lengths to keep her children safe and protected from the evil that she knows. She gave them the gift of life, then, adding to that, the joy of freedom. Determined to shield them from the hell of slavery, she took drastic measures to keep them from that life. But, in doing so, the
Through character development, the story also portrays the theme of escaping the past. Sethe’s actions are influenced heavily by her dead child, Beloved. When the “human” form of Beloved arrives while sleeping
Slavery has been a vital part of America’s history since it began in 1619. Such history must be preserved in order to understand its ongoing influence in issues today, but thousands of stories of those enslaved have been lost or forgotten in time. Toni Morrison expresses why the narrative of slavery must be continued on by integrating the life of Margaret Garner into her novel Beloved. In Beloved, Toni Morrison intertwines fiction with the story of Margaret Garner in order pass it on and explore what might have been if the circumstances surrounding Garner had been different.
In Toni Morrison's Beloved, there were many different love filled and driven relationships. There are family relationships between siblings, and relationships between mother and children. There are relationships
Morrison and Twain each present freed slave mothers as self-sacrificing. Each woman 's traumatic experiences as slaves create a deep fear of her children 's enslavement. In Morrison 's Beloved, Sethe is so distressed by her past; she murders her child to save her from slavery. Morrison uses Sethe 's drastic sacrifice to comment on slavery 's psychological effects. Meanwhile, Twain 's Pudd 'n Head Wilson portrays Roxy as a sacrificial mother to create sympathy for black people. From a cultural perspective, Roxy counters all of the propaganda about black people in the nineteenth century. Roxy plans to kill her son and herself, but figures out a different way to save her son from slavery. Both characters are selfless mothers, but the authors use this sacrificial behavior to prove different points about slavery. Morrison uses her characters selflessness to show the distress slavery can cause, while Twain capitalizes on the sympathy it creates to humanize black people in the public 's view.
After reading Toni Morrison’s novel Beloved, I could not help but feel shocked and taken aback by the detailed picture of life she painted for slaves at the time in American history. The grotesque and twisted nature of life during the era of slavery in America is an opposite world from the politically correct world of 2016. Morrison did not hold back about the harsh realities of slavery. Based on a true story, Toni Morrison wrote Beloved about the life of Sethe, a slave and her family. Toni Morrison left no stone unturned when describing the impact slavery on had the life of slaves. She dove deeper than the surface level of simply elaborating on how terrible it is to be “owned” and forced to do manual labor. Morrison describes in detail, the horrors and profoundly negative impacts slavery had on family bonds, humanity of all people involved and the slaves sense of self even after they acquired their freedom.
She understands how slavery can destroy or “dirty” a person to the point where “you forgot who you were and couldn’t think it up.” This is the justification for trying to kill her children so they would never have to experience what it is like to have your identity stripped from you. Even though “she and others lived through and got over it”, her personality/identity was so damaged that she didn’t want her kids to live through slavery. However, Sethe failed to apply this to herself. She overlooked the fact that her own corruption led to her struggles with motherhood. In never learning how to properly mother a child, Sethe made the rash decision of killing them to free them from the horrors of slavery. In the passage above, Morrison uses the symbol of dirt to portray how Sethe’s own corruption affected her children and hindered their freedom. In trying to save her children from the “dirt”, Sethe dirtied her children anyway because slavery is so powerful that if it affects one, it affects all. The dirt of slavery never left Sethe and made it hard for her to discover herself and find her own freedom. Again, Morrison establishes the difference between being free and freeing oneself. Because she has been so corrupted by slavery, neither Sethe nor her children can be truly
Stamp Paid, a former slave who ferries Sethe and Denver across the Ohio River, tried to take Beloved’s corpse from the mother’s clinging hands and give Denver to her. A mother killing her own child is an act that subverts the natural order of the world. A mother is expected to create life, not destroy it, but with Sethe’s case, she was insane and out of control at that specific moment when she imagined that her child might face the same assault in future. Thus, she prefers to put an end to this situation. On the other hand, we notice that she was very anxious about the feeling of Beloved, her murdered child. She stated, “Do you forgive me? Will you stay? You safe here now”
When Sethe finally arrives at 124 Bluestone Road, she is greeted with her loving mother-in-law, Jenny Whitlow, known to her as Baby Suggs. A second healing takes place when Baby Suggs tends to her mutilated body. “She led Sethe to the keeping room and bathed her in sections, starting with her face…Sethe dozed and woke to the washing of her hands and arms…When Sethe’s legs were done, Baby looked at her feet and wiped them lightly. She cleaned between Sethe’s legs…”(Morrison, 93). The methodical washing of Sethe’s body emphasizes the sympathy and love that fills Baby Suggs’ heart. Putting her trust in Baby Suggs for the relief of physical and emotional torment, is the only way Sethe is able to relieve herself of her haunted past and suffering body. Baby Suggs knows as well as Sethe, the haunting miseries of black men and women who have been brought low by slavery, yet she urges her daughter-in-law to keep going and be strong.