
Analysis Of When Rabiit Howls By Truddi Chase

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Did you ever wonder what the life of a person who suffers from dissociative identity disorder is like? I had heard this term and had a small idea of what it was about, but didn’t fully understand what it was, where it came from, and certainly could not imagine what it was like to live this kind of life. I was honestly horrified and shocked to read the autobiography entitled “When Rabiit Howls” by Truddi Chase. I definitely was not preapred to read all the grusome things Truddi Chase had endured in her life. Truddi Chase was born near Honeoye Falls, New York, and grew up with her parents and sibligns. Her horrifying experiences began when she was just two years old. She had endured a life that no one should ever have to face. She was …show more content…

These voices are discovered and referred to as “the troops”. It is as if that two year old child that suffered no longer existed and the troops were created to hide her from the pain and torture she went through. They were the voices that spoke and told the story of what she had gone through. The troops are the ones that reveal themselves and their memories during the therapy sessions. They are also the ones that stayed within Truddi and protected her from the evil she lived everyday as a child. Most of these personalities are introduced and come to life in the autobiography, but not all ninety-two. The abuse is discovered and discussed in grusome detail through many of the personalities. Dr. Phillips’s therapy sessions where a place where these personalties were comfortable to open up and discuss the memories and experiences they had. Each one of the personalities is responsible for different memories yet come together. There are too many personalities revealed to be able to discuss them all now in this summary, but I can tell you they appeared in all different shapes and sizes, genders, and ages. There were also some that were very loud and angry, and some very quiet and sweet. Interestingly, many of the younger aged troop members are very angry and eager for revenge, and several

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