
Only Connect By William Cronon: Course Analysis

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I learned that connecting with people is need and a personal fulfillment. I am, and have always been, genuinely interested in people. In William Cronon’s, Only Connect, he quotes a friend’s father advising his son, that whenever he had a conversation, “his job was to figure out what’s so neat about what the other person does” (Cronon, 1998). A Master of Arts in Communication, with a concentration in New Media and Marketing, is my next rung. In searching many graduate programs, this combined the use of some existing skills and those I believe I have potential. Part of the seven core courses include: • More than Words: Communication by Design • Communication, Media & Society • The Vantage Point: Knowledge & New Media The course descriptions …show more content…

It encouraged me in peace building strategies and facilitating mediation. It lies in the art of listening, hearing and experiencing empathy. One discussion board prompt asked us to explain how we might deal with a cultural conflict. I highlighted this from our text, "Intergroup dialogue is one of several strategies of peacebuilding" (Martin, 2013, p. 249). I think the point that Benjamin Broome’s theory makes is an essential method for communication, as it explains, “Dialogue differs from conversation in that it focuses on the power of speaking and being understood; it involves listening and speaking, not to persuade, but to clarify—even to clarify and truly understand an opposing viewpoint” (p. 249). As we see in the news constantly, there are the “talking heads” that are often only interested in the debate and not the solution. I truly believe there would be less conflict on many levels, if we really listened with the goal of …show more content…

Ratings increase budget, etc. However, there must be more consideration for the impact it is creating in society. Parents Television Counsel (PTC) is a non-partisan organization that advocates responsible entertainment. Their mission statement is, “To protect children and families from graphic sex, violence and profanity in the media, because of their proven long-term harmful effects” (PTC, 2015). This is the kind of organization I align myself with personally and professionally by petition support, tracking ads and TV programs and offering

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