
Analysis Of Yanggaw Or Affliction By Richard Somes

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Yanggaw or Affliction (2008) by Richard Somes is a story of family struggle as they deal with their daughter’s (Amor) transformation into an aswang (monster) due to an unidentified illness. Amor, a loving and courteous daughter, morphs into a monster that lives on the blood of others every midnight. Such transformation leads to several conflicts within the family and the community. This paper will discuss the conflicts in the family in relation to Amor’s transformation and how it affected their relationship with one another.
When Amor exhibited signs of illness, the family consulted a supernatural faith healer named Lazarus but to no avail. The situation escalates and Amor is found near a river with blood all over her mouth and body. The …show more content…

Although separate, it overpowers her personality that it seems to merge with her, creating a demonized creature that is incapable of feeling conscience and love, or any other human emotion. Its sole purpose is to feed on others to live. The concept of psychological continuity supports this argument on the separation of identity. According to Kind (2010), there is psychological continuity when a person still has recollections of his/her lived experiences when he/she became a different persona. This concept of psychological continuity is an all or none variable, meaning it either exists or not. We can also quantify this variable through the concept of psychological connectedness, the degree of attachment of an individual to his past character, intentions, beliefs, desires, and memories. There is absolutely no psychological connectedness between the human Amor and the transformed one. When the aswang is in control of the body, it has no memories, desires, feelings derived from the previous persona. Therefore, Amor should be considered as a separate entity from the aswang and she cannot be held responsible for any of the murders committed by this persona through her body. However, this transformation has become a permanent thing. The regularly recurring transformation has already become part of Amor’s life. Although Amor and the aswang are two separate entities based on the concept of continuity and …show more content…

The rest of the family, on the other hand, believes that the Amor they had known and loved before has already fused with the evil. Inday says to his husband, Junior, “Your daughter is a beast.” This implies the belief that in some way, Amor is already a beast, no matter how hard she try to fight this evil persona. Inday acknowledges that this reality cannot be changed anymore so the last resort is to chain their daughter to prevent her from killing people from the community. These two conflicting perspectives threaten their relationships with one another. Junior invokes his patriarchal power in the family and decides to unchain Amor despite objections from the rest of the family. Inday and the rest protest against this patriarchy and choose to leave Junior and Amor in search of a more peaceful life. Eventually, they return as they realize that they should stick together as one family to face the tragedy of Amor’s transformation. This illustrates how the duality of identity created through the intervention of the aswang can bring out the best and the worst in people. On one hand, the tragedy resulted to the clash of beliefs which threatened the family relationship but it also brought back the family together to face the

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