The Prophet Cannabis Strain
The Prophet Cannabis Strain adds some needed heft, vigor, and yield to the normally stingy Pre-'98 Bubba Kush mom. The Prophet has a musky aroma, seemingly being freshened up by the herbal and zesty Tang Tang. It has notes of incense, hash, citrus, and the backing deep chocolate/coffee notes of the Bubba, but the Tang Tang just has less aroma overall, smelling mostly of the trichomes that coat every surface.
Type of high
The Prophet Cannabis Strain has a potent package of head effects. The Tang Tang phenotypes have a very strong head presence, with a feeling of a boulder rolling around inside the back of the skull at times, as well as quite a bit of eye pressure fluctuation. It has major mood elevating properties
Sharktooth cannabis strain is known as Shark Shock. This strain yields extremely dense, light green buds that are accented by fine orange hairs with well-developed trichomes. Sharktooth delivers a creamy, almost buttery, aroma when you first open the container that is nicely contrasted by the crisp scent of citrus fruits when you break open the bud.
The Gorilla Grape Gush Strain is composed of Indica and is popularly known as a relaxing agent. The strain has been composed of dense compact buds which have been wreathed in a very deep and attractive purple batch of leaves. The purple leaves reach certain darkness when the Indica in the strain matures. This happens in at least 7 to 8 weeks in flowering time. This strain has the flavor of grapes, sweets and berries.
The Dawgfather cannabis strain is a slightly Sativa dominant hybrid 60% Sativa and 40% Indica. This bud has long and dense bright neon green conical shaped nugs with fiery orange hairs and a super frosty thick coating of fine white crystal trichomes. The flavor of this strain is very skunky and pungent, with hints of sharp diesel and a touch of coffee. The aroma is almost like freshly tanned leather with a hint of musk and a pungent effect.
Uzi Cannabis Strain provides a hard hitting narcotic felling, Sativa strain, possible some X genetics along the line somewhere. A must have for all connoisseurs of marijuana. Locals call it the Uzi due to it’s effects of feeling like you have been blasted!
Utopia Haze Cannabis Strain has a sweet and spicy fruity mint flavor with a citrus herbal exhale that’s very savory. The aroma is sweet and earthy with a fruity woody overtone that becomes pungent as the nugs are burned. This bud has small piecey forest green nugs with furry orange hairs and a coating of tiny amber crystal trichomes.
Valley Rose cannabis strain plants are normally ready for cropping in 9-10 weeks producing very powerful buds and heavy frost coverage with sour, pinesol and fuel aromas. Yield rate can range from moderate to good. Flowering Time: 9 - 10 Weeks
McGrath, J., Welham, J., Scott, J., Varghese, D., Degenhardt, L., & Hayatbakhsh, M. et al. (2010). Association Between Cannabis Use and Psychosis-Related Outcomes Using Sibling Pair Analysis in a Cohort of Young Adults. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 67 (5), 440.
Golden Strawberry cannabis strain is chosen by consumers mostly because of its stress-relieving qualities without the jarring paranoia common among high THC strains. Comfortable and relaxing, Strawberry brings physical and mental relief to patients treating symptoms mild or severe.
Berry Haze cannabis strain is an 80% Sativa hybrid that is well known for its combination of sweet berry, Indica-like flavors and Sativa highs. In addition, Berry Haze provides higher than average yields and a relatively short flowering time of 9-10 weeks, making this a very attractive strain for Sativa enthusiasts.
David Casarett a Physician in California explains how he learned about Medical Marijuana and how he has come to recommend other physicians to research and consider medical marijuana. Casarett asks, “What if mainstream health care operated more like a medical marijuana dispensary?”
After several decades of research many important discoveries have been made about cannabis. Not only has the active ingredient been found, but also how it works in the brain. They found this using a new system called the endocannabinoid system which is a unique communications system in the brain and body which affects many important functions, including how someone feels, moves, and reacts.
Synthetic marijuana, also called K2, Black Mamba, Fake Weed, Genie, or Spice, is a mixture of herbs and spices with a synthetic compound chemically similar to THC, the ingredient for marijuana. It is usually purchased in head shops, tobacco shops, and over the internet. It is usually sold in small in small, silvery plastic bags of dried leaves and marketed as incense that can be smoked. It looks similar to potpourri. The most likely user is between the ages of 14 to 27, prisoners or probationers, or people in the military Spice is smoked in either joints or pipes, but some users make it into a tea. The effect to the mind is similar to the effects of marijuana and includes, paranoia, panic attacks, and giddiness. ("Drug Fact Sheet: Khat." PsycEXTRA
Marijuana has always been a controversial topic. The use of marijuana has been a major debate in the government because the government has never had any control over it. However, the state of California in recent times has been less harsh on marijuana by passing laws that allow recreational use across the state of California. With this in mind, the city of Desert of Hot Springs lately has allowed opportunities for people to grow and sell marijuana for medicinal and recreational purposes as long as they get permits from the city. As a result, businesses that want to cultivate marijuana have to follow regulations that have been set by the city to insure
The origins of The Cannabis use began in the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung in 2727 B.C. While in the Middle East, the use of cannabis spread throughout the Islamic Empire to North America. In 1545, the cannabis spread through the county; Chile began to use the drug as a fiber. Consequently, cannabis grows throughout tropical and humid parts of the world. The seeds have been used as animal food, fiber for hemp rope and oil as a vehicle for paint ("Cannabis, Coca, and Poppy").
It is true that medical marijuana can begin the process to slow down a disease. The deterioration of the human brain from Alzheimer's, for instance, medical marijuana can slow down the progression of the human brain from deteriorating. There are healing agents within medical marijuana that the Government and the Pharmaceutical Corporations that do not want the public to be aware of. For the simple reason, it takes money from their pockets. Although it has been shown medical marijuana has many health benefits from the CBD which is the chemical that does not give a person that high that's associated with marijuana...