
Analysis of Bulgaria Air and the Eastern-European Airline Industry

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International Strategic Management

1. Legislation and regulatory rules in the industry
Bilateral air service agreements remain the primary vehicles for liberalizing international air transport services. In the past 15 years more than 157 “open skies” agreements have been concluded between 96 states, the US being one of the states in 82 of the cases.
Along with the continuing liberalization of air transport regulation, the protection and improvement of airline passenger rights has gained greater importance, particularly but not exclusively in major markets. A significant number of States, in recent years, have adopted regulatory measures that address some of the issues such as denied boarding …show more content…

Hand baggage (including personal items)
The carrier is liable if it was responsible for the damage.
Make sure to file your claim within 7 days of receiving your luggage (or 21 days if your luggage was delayed).
If you wish to pursue other legal action, you must do so within 2 years of the date your luggage arrives.
If you are travelling with expensive items, you might be able – for a fee – to obtain a compensation limit higher than €1,223 by making a special advance declaration to the airline – at the latest when you check in. Though, the best thing is really to take out private travel insurance.

14 Nov 2013 – Eu approved usage of consumer electronics during take-off, landing and above 3000. The European Aviation Safety Agency (Easa) has approved the use of electronic devices during take-off and landing and will publish its guidance regarding safety testing and which devices can and can 't be used during all phases of flight by the end of November 2013.
The approval follows Federal Aviation Administration’s ruling in October that personal electronic devices such as e-book readers, tablet computers and portable games consoles could be used “during all phases of flight”. Mobile phones will also be allowed, as long as their cellular radios are disabled or they are put into "airplane mode".
Larger electronic devices, such as laptop computers, will need to be stowed during taxiing, take-off and landing due

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