Source Analysis: Conspiracy Conspiracy is a 2001 film directed by Frank Pierson and written by Loring Mandel, the film dramatizes the events of the Wannsee Conference of 1942, and the meeting was led by Heydrick. During the Wannsee Conference the senior officials of the Nazi regime had meeting to discuss how to remove the Jewish population from the German sphere of influence (Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Czechoslovakia and France). The director interestingly brings an aspect of Nazi psychology; Pierson highlights the casual attitudes that the senior officials had during the conference towards the ‘Jewish problem’. Within two hours the senior officials seem to casually discuss the most practical way of eliminating the Jewish race and …show more content…
However Eichmann did confirm in his 1962 trail that after the meeting had ended the men became less restrained and freely discussed killing methods however this was deleted the official summary and replaced with one sentence. The film overplays the role of the Wannsee conference; Gerlach argues that the meeting occurred not to discuss the fate of Jews in Europe but for Heydrick to seek support from other senior officials. The conference was originally schedule for the 9th of December but happened on the 20th of January giving Heydrick time to prepare the new task based Hitler’s ‘basic decision’. Unlike other Historical source the film industry seem to have shallow research which it tends to exaggerate, this is one of the issues with this film. For this film to be an adequate historical source it should have not put so much emphasis on the conference and also focused to the prior events. Also the film does not address Hitler’s role in the final solution, most historical sources on this topic have done so, and Hitler’s role is one most controversial aspects of this topic. The relevance of the conference is widely debated amongst scholars, with conventional Historian arguing that the murdering of Jews had begun at the latest in December 1941 long before the conference. When focusing on the origins of the final solution the film gives an inaccurate perspective because although it mentions that the extermination camps were being built it fails to mention a mobile
The Final Solution is the most controversial topic of German History as its origination is not clean cut, whilst it would be simple to place emphasis on Hitler and his World View for the destruction of all Jewry there are other factors such as WW2 which must be taken into consideration in analysis of the Final Solution. Other factors include the polarised view of a lack of formal mechanisms and coherent policy, both of which were fuelled by an honest desire to pursue the will of the Fuhrer to commit, as described by Layton ‘The darkest deed of the Third Reich.’ Throughout this essay it will be
Studies of the Holocaust have provoked passionate debates. Increasingly, they have become a central topic of concern for historians particularly since the early 1970s, as the Holocaust studies were generally limited. However, one of the most intense debates surrounding the role played by Hitler in the ’Final Solution’. That is, whether and when Hitler took a decision to initiate the extermination process. Of course, this issue has caused incredible controversy and naturally such a contentious topic of debate has radically produced large amounts of new data and literature. Conflicting, an interpretation has caused further disparities between historians over Hitler’s role in the Holocaust. For this
The Wannsee conference held in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee on January 20, 1942 was one of the most important conferences in the history of the world. This meeting was for senior officials of Nazi Germany. The main purpose of this entire meeting was for every facet in the German government to have a full understanding about the issue of individuals who are Jewish. It was an attempt to get everyone on board with what will happen during the next few years with the so called "Problem" they had.
Hitler and the Holocaust is a very informational novel written by Robert S. Wistrich that not only explains this horrible time in history, but also gives us a look into the mind of Hitler and Nazi ideology. This book is not just centered on Hitler and Germany as it my sound, antisemitism spread like a plague all across Europe even before the Holocaust took place. In this work, Wistrich is not making an argument, but is trying to find an explanation on why so many inhumane actions were allowed.
Brian Keeley’s short essay, “Of Conspiracy Theories” discusses conspiracy theories and their value in an epistemological context. Keeley defines a conspiracy theory as “a proposed explanation of some historical event (or events) in terms of the significant causal agency of a relatively small group of persons-the conspirators-acting in secret (Keeley 1999, pg. 116).” Keeley seeks to answer the question of why conspiracy theories are unwarranted. His interest in the warrant of conspiracy theories focuses on ¬the unfalsifiability of conspiracy theories and how conspiracy theories are founded upon an extraordinarily large amount of skepticism. In section III, Keely discusses what a conspiracy theory is, and contends that there is no grounds for
final solution will be remembered as a very important event that took place during the holocaust
The Wannsee Conference was a high level meeting of German officials that belonged to thw Nazi German regime. The conference was held in Berlin suburbs of Wannsee on January 20th 1942. The purpose of the conference was to inform administrative leaders of Departments responsible for policies relating to Jews. At the conference the officials discussed the finalization and implementation of “ The final solution of the jewish question” Reinhard Heydrich a man of high status in the Nazi regime had been appointed as the chief executor of the "Final solution to the Jewish question". During the meeting, Heydrich presented a plan, that was later on said to be approved by Adolf Hitler. The plan Heydrich proposed was for the removal of the Jewish population
To most a fairy tale, to some an interesting topic of discussion, however, to a small population, 5 % to be exact, Government conspiracy does exist. How, you might ask, do I intend to prove that indeed government conspiracy is real? I do not intend to prove it. In fact I only intend to inform you of its ever growing ploy of world domination, capitalism and control and open your mind to the idea that government conspiracy is out there. Throughout history as it is known to repeat itself, I will show facts that support this “theory” and dismiss the legendary lies we have been taught to believe through a system known as memetics.
A meeting is held in order to determine the method by which the Nazi government is to implement Adolf Hitler's policy that the German sphere of influence should be free of Jews, including those in the occupied territories of Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Czechoslovakia and France. As the film opens, various officials from different German agencies arrive and mingle at a lakeside villa in Wannsee.
SS General Reinhard Heydrich was in charge of the “Reich security” and appointed to lead the infamous Wannsee Conference. This conference featured many established leaders in the Nazi Party, SS, and German government and gets its name from the location of the meeting, a wealthy German suburb. The purpose of this conference was to inform the slightly lower ranking German leaders of the “Final Solution” to the ‘Jewish question.’ The movie Conspiracy focuses on the Wannsee Conference and shows the influence on many of the aforementioned leaders. Kenneth Branagh, the actor that portrays Heydrich, is able to successfully imitate his commanding presence throughout the film with his use of body language and tone. From the opening scene of the
The Holocaust was the systematic and bureaucratic extermination of millions of Jews, both mentally and physically disabled patients, Communists, homosexuals, and other groups that were seen as inferior to the Nazi regime and its collaborators that occurred between 1933 and 1945. To many people, it is considered to be the most tragic event in history. To others, it is a conspiracy theory that never actually occurred. This horrific time period didn’t begin with the Nazi regime and its leader, Adolf Hitler. To understand how this party came into power, the mentality of its people and the events prior must be taken into consideration. The eugenic mindset, the development of deadly weapons with the potential of mass killings, and the fascination
Thus, the historian can see the significance of the Wannsee Conference, not as the point at which the final solution was ultimately sanctioned by the highest authority, but the point that "ushered in the final stage of the extermination policy - the incorporation of the whole of German-occupied Europe in a comprehensive programme of systematic annihilation of the
Karl Popper coined the phrase “Conspiracy Theory of Society” (Popper) in his book The Open Society and Its Enemies. In doing so, Mr. Popper attempted to describe the phenomenon of conspiracism by explaining that people tend to believe “whatever happens in society – especially happenings such as war, unemployment, poverty, shortages, which people as a rule dislike – is the result of direct design by some powerful individuals and groups” (Popper). Conspiracy theories come in all shapes and sizes, from all over the globe. In this paper, three different academic theories that explain how conspiracy theories come about will be examined. Additionally, one conspiracy theory from the West and one conspiracy theory from the Middle East will also be
Ok. For once, I actually feel confident in my ability to write a theory. I am working with people I do not trust, but the enemy is even worse. This is by far the worst position I have ever been in (alliance wise) out of all seasons, but I will not give up. I will win.
Politics is much more than agendas these days. It is a game involving intricate strategies and manoeuvres to outsmart the others. Big games are played in today’s political arena and these big games are limited to the big player only. No matter how loyally or how long a person serves, the game plan is limited only to the highest tier of the parties or maybe even less. The best and the trickiest of games are played with a lot of confidentiality to ensure its success.