
Analysis of Women’s Rights: Rape and Sexual Violence Essay

Decent Essays

In the global spectrum of modern warfare, it has become evermore evident that a war has been raged fervently in pursuit of the destruction of the livelihood of women. The truth is obsolete in the era of never changing gendered hierarchy, where heartless militia have severed the line of innocence and consciousness for women worldwide; using them as scapegoats for their infantry. The victimization of these is rampant; the abuse and violence against their minds and bodies does not prove a victor of state but rather a violation of human life. Women own the right to their voice, to their ideas, and most importantly to their bodies; the detriment of such on behalf of patriarchal social construction impinges on these rights and the freedom of …show more content…

In Peru, 70 percent of crimes reported involve women beaten by their husbands. In India, eight out ten wives are victims of violence (Bunch 490). It was not until 1993 when the Declaration of the Elimination of Violence Against women was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly (United Nations Department of Public Information) that the cases of violence against women was no longer viewed as a private matter between individuals. Women around the world are made victims of incest, rape, and domestic violence that in many cases leads to death. “She tried to fend off the blows, to get up, to cover herself, to find a sympathetic face in the crowd. Then the men gathered rocks and concrete blocks and dropped them on her. Most rolled off, but she began bleeding, some of the rocks struck her head. It took thirty minutes for Du’a to die (Half the Sky, pg82).”
This is one account of what is known as an “honor killing” in the Middle East where “religious leaders and her own family insisted she must die (Half the Sky, pg82).” For the sake of Du’a’s father and her family, she was killed in the streets and onlookers were made witnesses of her death and allowed to film so “honor” would be restored to her family. Du’a’s death was viewed around the world and still this form of violence persists. In many countries females become victims of violence even before they are born, in a what is known as amniocentesis, a process used for sex selection, “leading to the

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