The documentary starts by explaining that by the 9th century North Africa and Spain were in the hands of Muslim rulers. Under Muslim rule in Toledo, Spain were Jews who flourished in the area. The Jews followed the conquest of Islam through North Africa and Spain. On the continent of Europe the three Abrahamic religions met. The Jewish people would transform Europe and be transformed themselves. Alhambra of Granada, the Moorish palace in Southern Spain was described as beautiful with pleasure gardens and trees of all kinds. The Muslim and Jewish people were brought together for their love of art, knowledge, music, poetry, and philosophy. This era is known as the Golden Age. Spain was in the hand of Moorish rulers and with this they paved …show more content…
They would play an important part in the government, statecraft, and scholarship of Moorish Spain. In Granada the Sephardim would take many important positions in the Moorish government. The Jews took inspiration from Arab literature and revitalized their ancient texts which were previously only used for worship. Hebrew was reborn in worship and song. The Golden Age of Muslim Spain would come to an end as the separate areas went to war. Even as it came to an end its remarkable vitality would find great expression. The first three centuries of the Golden Age are seen in the works of Maimonides the greatest Jewish Scholar of his time. Maimonides was forced to flee Spain’s turmoil and fled to Egypt where he worked as a mathematician and physician. He was appointed to attend the Sultan Salah al Den, since he was the best physician of his century. Maimonides writes to a friend about his routine, in it he describes by saying that he goes to the Sultan until noon only if no one is sick. He must then write prescriptions to the rest of the ill. If the Sultan or any of his relatives are ill, Maimonides is not allowed to leave Cairo. Even though Maimonides he was a busy man he seemed to write ten books on medicine. Maimonides searched out the heart of Jewish tradition and codified it in the Mishnah and Torah. He said, “I wish to help the common man out of his confusion so he may be able to rest and be at peace.” Towards the end of the Golden Age it would
In the documentary "Queen of Versailles," Jackie and David Siegal show the hardships of being one of the most wealthy people in the country. In the beginning of the documentary, everything in their life is close to perfect. They are a wealthy couple, have children and are building their dream house also the largest house in America. Everything was going well for them until the 2008 financial crisis occurred in which the real estate market collapsed. Although the weeks reading were hard to interpret, some of the things in them were clearly seen in the documentary.
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” ( Dr. Seuss) “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.” (Psalm 23:4) “God has given you one face, and you make yourself another.” (William Shakespeare) These quotes, found throughout many different time periods of history, all say the same: “Be who you are and don’t let anything change that.” These are great words to live by, but, in time of weakness, does one stay true? Can even the good be twisted? This is a theme that is represented throughout The Crucible many times. Characters such as Elizabeth Proctor, John Proctor, and Reverend Hale had good intentions
In 1952 a play was written by Arthur Miller, about events that happened in Salem in 1692. The play was about affairs, accusations, and innocent people being accused of witches. In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, Abigail and Mary Warren are introduced as two separate people. Although people might see Abigail and Mary Warren as two separate people and nothing alike, they are more alike than meet's the eye. Abigail and Mary Warren have three things in common; they are both are deceitful, they both dishonest, and they are both apprehensive.
Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible and David Rothkopf’s TED Talk How Fear Drives America Politics are two significant texts that emphasise a fundamental political message that remains timeless throughout both the Puritan society within the world of the play and the contemporary society of Miller and Rothkopf. Ultimately the use of fear in order to gain political advantage and control the masses is a profound power present in the political dimension that is explored within both these texts and offers personal insight into the McCarthy era of the Cold War that Miller was subjected to and the post-9/11 hysteria that gripped America when Rothkopf was emerging as a prominent journalist. Miller’s depiction of Abigail and the girls in particular and
The Crucible was about a group of girls who lied about seeing witches and the devil. The whole community sat back and watched different townspeople get hanged because they didn't want to tell a lie. The girls faked being cursed and having the devil come to them at night while they were sleeping. The story is so silly it's hard to believe but these things were actually inspired by a true story. Innocent people were hanged or stoned to death all based upon lies.
The Chronicle of Le Mans depicts events that took place in the French town of Le Mans toward the late 10th century. The document tells primarily of the evil acts of Sehok ben Esther Israeli, a former Jew who has converted to Christianity, and how he strove against the Jewish community in Le Mans. By examining this text, we can glimpse the beginnings of Jewish animosity toward converts; the events of the text purportedly took place in 992 CE, which, if true, situate the text in the beginning of Christian missionizing efforts and the glorification of martyrdom that Jews took on in place of converting. However, the
A theme in The Crucible is that a society ruled by theocracy and status based on religion is bound to fall apart. Salem 's strict adherence to the Christian shurch is evident in everything the citizens do. They use measures of a person 's knowledge and adherence to the religion as a means of judging their character and also their status in society. They believe "God [was] provoked so grandly by such a petty cause" (121), which is why the "jails are packed" (121). If the citizen did anything to make God angry, they were punished. This is why the judges were so relentless and naïve in putting the accused women to trial and convicting them. They believed "the law, based upon the Bible, and the Bible, writ by the Almighty God,
The Crucible Film The Crucible; an intensely emotional and dramatic film based on the horrific story of the Salem witch trials. The opening and concluding sequences are of great importance in conjuring the melancholy atmosphere present throughout the story. The director uses various different devices to achieve this.
The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, is a rich and enticing play set in the late 1600’s describing the epic horrors and emotions through the events of the Salem witch trials. The Crucible, focuses primarily on the inconsistencies of the Salem witch trials and the extreme behavior that can result from dark desires and hidden agendas. The play begins with the discovery of several young girls and an African American slave, Tituba, in the woods just outside of Salem, dancing and pretending to conjure spirits. The Puritans of Salem stood for complete religious intolerance and stressed the need to follow the ways of the bible literally without exception. The actions of the women in
Proctor. For the first and only time in the play we see Abigail as her
The Crucible is a complex and intriguing novel with events, characters and themes comparable to almost every period of human history. It is common for humans to fear change and what is unknown, in the play The Crucible this is witchcraft and the devil, in more recent times it can be seen in post World War Two and Cold War United States, through McCarthyism. The themes in the crucible are as important to people in the 21st century as in Salem in 1692. These include justice, reputation, hysteria, intolerance and empowerment. All of these are common themes throughout human history. The characters in The Crucible are also important to people of the 21st century as they can teach us a little bit about people around us and their reactions when
Jumping to conclusions, bad assumptions, and false information can cause much hysteria within a society. This can be surely bad if you are dealing with people who are hypochondriacs. In The Crucible, Arthur Miller displays how hysteria is used to cover the truth, but can cause suffering for many of those who are innocent. The play strongly illustrates the hysteria that brushed through Salem because of the fear that Satan had haunted the town. When you have an entire society in an uproar it is usually because of false information being spread and people who are just reacting without thinking about what could possibly be happening. There are some people
One of the many works written and driven by Puritan influence, The Crucible by Arthur Miller has continued to influence life and thinkings. Its story tracing the 1692 Salem Witch Trials has been widely read, received and understood, along with influencing the reader and their ideals. The play has manifested into more than words on a page and has become of the greatest influences, even sixty years after its publication. Though its story has not changed and is merely a retelling of the original itself, its themes have greatly impacted its universal and enduring state.
Thesis Statement: Arthur Miller conveys of the theme of jealousy by how it can ruin lives by abigail was jealous of elizabeth proctor Also John Putnam is moved by jealousy by he is jealous of others people's property.
Over thousands of years, the religion of Judaism has evolved. With years of suffering, persecution, and dispersion the Jews’ religion stays constant. When researching the religion, the history is extremely strong, and the doctrine of the religion dates back thousands of years. With such a vast history, one might want to examine the change into modern society.