Stephen Colbert addressed the class of 2015 for Wake Forest University in North Carolina in a commencement speech. In this speech Colbert utilized humor in giving advice to the graduating seniors about the future decisions they will be making. Stephen Colbert used “slang” vocabulary, volume and kinesics to deliver his speech effectively.
I chose this speech because I have been following Stephen Colbert’s career with my dad since I was a kid. I have always found him entertaining and amusing so I knew by choosing this speech of his I would find it easy to analyze and because the speech was short and sweet clocking in at around fourteen minutes.
Personally, I enjoy when a speaker utilizes humor in a speech because it makes it easier to focus and pay attention to a lengthy speech. This can be done by using “slang” vocabulary. The textbook defined slang as “words derived from dialects that most people understand but do not use in a professional setting” and it advises to not use them in a professional speech. What I think made the use of slang appropriate was the way Stephen Colbert used some of the terms to relate to the graduating students. For example in his speech, Colbert refrences the _ and starts listing off the nicknames that he has received over the years by the students and staff. Some of the words used were “natedog”, “the hatchet” and ‘Angeldust” and these names resonated with the student’s and staff and caused everyone to laugh. This was an effective use of
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Since Stephen Colbert has experience with public speaking, he knew when to use volume to emphasize the important aspects of his speech. In the beginning of the speech he used a higher volume when speaking about the robe is he wearing and the gratitude he feels when the professionals of Wake Forest chose him as their speaker. The use of volume made Colbert’s point about the amount of gratitude he felt come across clearly to the
One of the devices he used throughout the speech was pathos. Pathos is a way of persuading an audience through their emotions. This was shown when Robert Kennedy
The primary audience for this speech were those attending the speech at the 1993 ESPY’s and those watching at home that night. I can tell from his language he uses to direct his message at the audience, using words such as “you” and “we”.
He used rhetoric to get his audience’s attention and to get them to remember the important
Being true to himself, Conan used humor all throughout his speech, undoubtedly keeping the audience’s attention through the whole speech. Being a comedian and television talk show host, Conan has become well known as a comedian, so the use of humor during his speech was appropriate, and was effective in being enjoyable and keeping his audience’s attention. Through his use of humor and movement, the speech seemed less of a deep, heart-felt speech, but more of a conversational, relaxing and enjoyable speech.
President Ronald Reagan changed the way society viewed public speaking and politics and continues to make his impact on the world today as his rhetoric serves at the outlines of numerous governmental leaders such as President Trump (Costa). While his speeches occurred over thirty years ago over television and radio, Reagan is still remembered as being a monumental orator in history as his speeches are still highly critiqued in both academic settings and public history (Hayward)(Peters and Woolley). Throughout my paper, I will analyze the rhetorical devices Reagan used that were meant to unite, in order to help readers understand the rhetorical devices used in political rhetoric, which consequently both united and excluded certain people. Understanding past rhetoric of an orator such as Reagan will lead to a better understanding of the rhetorical devices used by political figures and the impacts they
When giving a speech a speaker must be able to connect with his audience, the speaker wants his/her speech to be easy to follow and easy to understand. It is for those specific reasons that speakers purposely put in lots of logos, pathos, and ethos into their speeches so that the audiences can connect emotionally, ethically, and intellectually with what they are talking about. A particular speech that uses many examples of pathos, logos, and ethos is The Great Arsenal of Democracy given by President Roosevelt on December 29, 1940. Throughout the speech President Roosevelt uses excessive amounts of pathos to connect with his people emotionally. He
In this paper I am going to discuss the rhetorical appeals, as well as the argumentative structure, audience and purpose set forth by George W. Bush in his September 27 speech in Flagstaff, Arizona. More specifically I will refer to the rhetorical appeals of ethos, pathos and logos, and explain how they are used to gain the support and attention of the audience and further the further the purpose of the speech. As I explain these appeals I will also give an insight into the argumentative structure and why it is apparent in this particular speech.
Famous actors, musicians, politicians, artists and authors are often called upon to deliver commencement addresses at prestigious places of higher learning. It doesn't take Nobel-Prize-winning social scientists or psychologists, or speech professors to predict what these elite guest speakers will say on such occasions such as these. The speaker will tell the graduating class to aim high, never give up, make the most of opportunities, and do as our forbearers did: pull yourselves up by the bootstraps. But when Oscar-winning actor Tom Hanks showed up at Vassar College to present the commencement address, his presentation avoided those clichés and platitudes. Hanks was refreshing original and yet remarkably pragmatic. This paper critiques Hanks' themes, examines his rhetorical techniques, and editorially analyzes his purpose.
For example, the comparison between the gold bars and our planets while asking which one uphold the most importance. He also mentions the fact that he was the actual winner in the election when George Bush won. They announced months later that Al Gore was the actual winner and he was supposed to be the president. And he jokes about that multiple times basically expressing the lie we lived through with barely any acknowledgement. To express the greater impact global warming will make in the future, he expresses it through the graph and gets a lift device that took him up 20 feet up to show it’s massive impact in the future within a few years difference and of course the audience laughed but it won’t be funny after we are being dealt with it and sadly the graph only implies the
In a study over the audience that usually watches late night comedy TV shows, most of the people that watched them were getting more information about the campaign than they usually would (Young 2004). This is good for politicians, because it gets people up to date in politics, which can help increase the liking for certain candidates. When they tell different jokes about different candidates, it also adds liking to them. One of the main jokes that was told about Al Gore was that people thought of him as wooden. When people heard this, they thought of it as a way of making Gore seem more human to people (Young 2004).
Donald Trump recently gave a speech discussing rising Radical Islamic Terrorism, immigration from the Middle East, and a need for a rise in national security while Manchester, New Hampshire on June 13th 2016. He centers his whole speech around discussing how bad a President his opponent, Hillary Clinton, would be in difficult times. Trump graduated from the Wharton School of Finance in 1968 with a bachelor 's degree in economics, and has become a very successful businessman. He’s the Republican nominee for this upcoming presidential election, and is a very controversial candidate and person. He has come under fire for many of his views that he discusses in his June 13th speech. While Trump does make some agreeably points, he renders his speech ineffective because of his heavy reliance on Clinton’s opinion to form his own. If Trump were to become President, his stance on important issues would need to be reached with careful consideration, and not just based on doing the opposite of his opponents.
Donald Trump’s speech addressed to the United Nations General Assembly on September 19, 2017 was not effective. Despite the speech having a universal message that is hard to disagree with, you can tell exactly which parts of the speech were written by a speech writer, and which parts of the speech were written by Trump himself. This wouldn’t be an issue if Donald Trump’s inflections weren’t full of fallacies and unnecessary statistics. For example, in the third paragraph, President Trump tries to establish his Ethos by listing improvements in the United States since he took office. But many of these cherry-picked improvements have absolutely nothing to do with him being elected. They also have nothing to do with the general theme of the speech. This speech did have examples of effective rhetorical strategies. However, the bad far outweighs the good in this speech and takes away from the good message it originally had.
He utilizes Pathos, as he appeals to the viewer’s emotions many times. One example of this is when he makes fun of Fox News for reporting a study that “A glass of red wine is as good as an hour at the gym”. John Oliver then proceeds to say that the saying is “something your sassy aunt would wear on a t shirt.” Some people might see this as a corny thing for him to say, but in my opinion this is funny because it obviously is not true. By him using humor, he grasps the viewer’s attention in a way that isn’t boring. They are being entertained while also being enlightened.
Steve Jobs effectively uses pathos throughout the speech to appeal emotions of his audience, effectively connecting with audience. Jobs starts off his speech by using pathos saying “I'm honored to be with you today for your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. Truth be told, I never graduated from college, and this is the closest I've ever gotten to a college graduation” (Jobs). From these first two
Carson’s speech at the National Prayer Breakfast is recognized for its tone. A constant tone in Carson’s speech is humor however, he also utilizes a informative and forthright tone ( Throughout Carson’s speech he uses a humorous tone. Carson reveals the idea that people are afraid to express feelings towards a topic because others often feel offended. He illustrates that idea when he says, “I