
Analyze The Use Of Humor And Rhetorical Devices Used In Stephen Colbert's Speech

Satisfactory Essays

Stephen Colbert addressed the class of 2015 for Wake Forest University in North Carolina in a commencement speech. In this speech Colbert utilized humor in giving advice to the graduating seniors about the future decisions they will be making. Stephen Colbert used “slang” vocabulary, volume and kinesics to deliver his speech effectively.

I chose this speech because I have been following Stephen Colbert’s career with my dad since I was a kid. I have always found him entertaining and amusing so I knew by choosing this speech of his I would find it easy to analyze and because the speech was short and sweet clocking in at around fourteen minutes.

Personally, I enjoy when a speaker utilizes humor in a speech because it makes it easier to focus and pay attention to a lengthy speech. This can be done by using “slang” vocabulary. The textbook defined slang as “words derived from dialects that most people understand but do not use in a professional setting” and it advises to not use them in a professional speech. What I think made the use of slang appropriate was the way Stephen Colbert used some of the terms to relate to the graduating students. For example in his speech, Colbert refrences the _ and starts listing off the nicknames that he has received over the years by the students and staff. Some of the words used were “natedog”, “the hatchet” and ‘Angeldust” and these names resonated with the student’s and staff and caused everyone to laugh. This was an effective use of …show more content…

Since Stephen Colbert has experience with public speaking, he knew when to use volume to emphasize the important aspects of his speech. In the beginning of the speech he used a higher volume when speaking about the robe is he wearing and the gratitude he feels when the professionals of Wake Forest chose him as their speaker. The use of volume made Colbert’s point about the amount of gratitude he felt come across clearly to the

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