
Analyze the Differences in Leisure Activities Shown in the Two Paintings, and Reflect About the Social Life of Peasants (the Peasant Dance) and of Urban Dwellers in the 19th Century (Sunday Afternoon on the Island of the Grande Jatte).

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Analyze the differences in leisure activities shown in the two paintings, and reflect about the social life of peasants (The Peasant Dance) and of urban dwellers in the 19th century (Sunday Afternoon on the Island of the Grande Jatte).

Thesis: Since the beginning of the 19th century Europe began to experience rapid changes in culture and society. Many of the effects from the Industrial Revolution paved the way for new industries to be created. Between the creation of The Peasants Dance to when the Sunday Afternoon on the Island of the Grande Jatte was painted you can clearly see the differences in the leisure activities of the times from running around dancing to politely sitting and chatting with a friend. Peasant men and women had …show more content…

ii. They were frugal, and wanted their children to rise through the different social classes through education. iii. They held the political power over the semiskilled and unskilled working classes.
c. Semiskilled workers consisted of mainly factory workers.
d. Unskilled workers were the laborers, they held all the odd jobs and were unsuccessful because they weren’t organized.
C. Sunday Afternoon on the Island of the Grande Jatte
a. About the Painting
i. Painted by Georges Seurat in 1886. ii. He created divisionism in which an artist paints dots in bright colors closely together, from which then they merge and from a viewers point allows you to see the subtle contrast of the shapes. This technique creates a grainy look. iii. It is trying to portray a leisurely weekend at the park iv. The people are shown in a formal style
v. All of the characters in the painting were based off of observations he had made throughout months he had spent there. vi. It is believed to be a satire, because of accounts describing Sundays at this island as being noisy and chaotic.
b. Leisure Activities in Sunday Afternoon on the Island of the Grande Jatte
i. Standing and Sitting ii. Walking iii. Conversing with each other iv. Having a picnic
v. Rowing a boat vi. Shading oneself from the sun
D. Social Life of Urban Dwellers
a. With the Industrial Revolution thousands of people had migrated to the inner city creating overcrowding in

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