I think Edgar Allan Poe Is Professional writer and a scary author. I believe this because in his writing he makes his writing horror, sad, and suspenseful. I also believe that Poe's life is interesting because when poe was younger his parents died than he went into foster care. than he he married his thirteen year old cousin named virginia, than in 1830 he publicly married Virgina. When Virginia turned 20 she died than poe landed in a deep depression, and ended up in Poverty,Poe become severely depressed and some say insane for how he wrote. His death was mysterious because nobody knew how he died. He was found in a tavern with someone else’s clothes, and there are still many theories of how he died.
Edgar Allan Poe was a great writer. He wrote very dark stories and set the right tone for them. Many books that I have read cannot do this properly. This is what makes Poe a great writer in my opinion. There is also how he can describe one scene in one paragraph. I would compare him to Stephen King. There is a very dark and gloomy mood in most of his stories. Many of his stories have very silly and strange motives for a murder. I will compare the reasons for murder, the methods of murder, and the preparation for the murder.
Mya Poe’s article “On Writing Instruction and a short game of Chess” is a unique exercise that appeals to the multiple learning styles and intelligences of students. She challenges herself to appeal to the “self-proclaimed bad writers.”(30) The confidence that students have in their ability to write is lacking. Poe discusses that there is no one way to approach writing. She has developed a way of challenging students to use their strengths and interests to develop their own unique writing process. I was inspired by her perception on the ways of knowing and understanding. That by teaching a student to translate their strengths and process to any subject inspires a metacognitive learning style.
Edgar Allen Poe was one of the great writers of this world. He created several poems and short stories of a dark and dreary setting. His imagination was incredible. Edgar Allen Poe did not have a normal life. Bad luck and heart ach seemed to follow him until his death. His writing style was very different than other writers' style. His most famous
The Portable Edgar Allen Poe, edited by J. Gerald Kennedy, is a phenomenal compilation of works from one of America's greatest writers of the nineteenth century. Published in 2006, the book contains short stories, poems, and letters, written by Edgar Allen Poe. Full of lies, hope, revenge, and guilt, the stories in this assemblage are suspenseful and convey powerful messages.
Many people enjoy the detective and crime shows, but what they may not realize is that Edgar Allan Poe was the one to pioneer this genre. For the short stories, poems, and a few books he wrote, Edgar Allan Poe is a recognized American writer. He lived in the era of westward expansion, slavery laws beginning to become an issue, and most influential to Poe, Tuberculosis(TB) was a major issue. There was not yet a cure for people with TB, in fact, there wouldn’t be a known cure for another 100 years after his life. He lost many people during his life; his father left before Poe was 3 years old, his mother died from TB when Poe was three. He moved into a foster home, but stories tell that his foster father did not like him so he struggled to find the support he needed both as a child and as a broke college student. Although many myths state that Poe was a drunkard and incapable of love, he was married. His outsiderness in his foster home likely influenced his writing, as well as his irregularity and uniqueness, and his horrid memories of how TB had taken some of his closes family. Poe’s unique literary techniques enhance his macabre writing style.
Edgar Allan Poe was a good horror, suspense and mystery writer. Poe wrote a lot of short stories and poems. His writing style was unique and, most people think, influenced by the tragedies that happened over the years of his life.
Edgar Allan Poe was born January 19, 1809 in Boston, Massachusetts. His parents were both known actors. Poe was a fiction writer, a critic, and a poet. He writes in a unique and dark way with emotion and drama. His works have a theme that occurs continuously with death, lost love or both (Silverman). He is different from other poets. Poe is very well-known by people all over the world. When people think of Poe, they think of a mad man or someone that is insane. Poe is known for his troubled mind, afflicted by alcoholism and bipolar affective disorder (De Oliveira 84). Events in his life are more than likely the reason he writes in the style he does. His works are unlike many others. Poems by Poe have strange characters and even more strange story lines. Stories by Poe are more terror and his poems are more haunting or odd (Silverman).
In 1836 Poe married his thirteen-year-old cousin, Virginia Clemms. Much of his early work went unnoticed and it took until 1840 before Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque was published in two volumes. This included the famous story The Fall of the House of Usher. Plans for starting his own magazine did not lead too much and he continued to work as a magazine editor for various publications. His Tales and The Raven and Other Poems, published in 1845, did bring him some recognition but unfortunately it was not enough to sustain his family financially. Mrs. Clemms and Poe's wife Virginia nearly starved to death one winter. After his wife's death in 1847 Poe became increasingly unstable and his dependence on tempted suicide in 1848 and tragically died in 1849, five days after being found in a delirious and semi-conscious condition in Baltimore.
The author wants the reader to understand the meaning behind his actions. During the short story the author writes comments to help you prove his actions and thoughts were right.
The life of Edgar Allan Poe can best be described as full of darkness with bright moments at times, yet he has some good ideas and good writing skills. Edgar Allan Poe is a good writer of stories and poems. His writings are about love and death. Poe has good ideas and great writing, but his stories and poems always end in darkness. Poe can be described as a great writer with deep and dark subjects.
When looking at a piece of literature through a psychological approach it is easy to apply Sigmund Freud’s theories of the id, ego, and superego, which focus on conscious and unconscious behavior. When analyzing many of Poe’s works, critics tend to look through a psychological lens. Specifically in Poe’s The Black Cat. Some critics believe that Poe’s alcoholism is reflected in the piece, but many, such as James W. Gargano “advised the tales readers to avoid the biographical pitfall of seeing Poe and the first-person narrator of The Black Cat as ‘identical literary twins’” (Piacentino 1). It is due to his childhood that Poe’s narrator in The Black Cat subconsciously places animals before humans, thus leading to him to murder his wife.
There are two complex stories that are similar to one another. It revolves on two story lines, but have strong similarities to one another. First it was proven that poverty and life struggles with lack of great relationships to their loved ones was in fact true. Starting out Edgar Allen Poe was a known poet and writer, but lived a very sad life I believe. The difference between today’s society and back then is no different from the present. Growing up he became a child orphan whose father abandoned the family when he was much younger and sadly the mother died the following year due to an illness, and it became a critical moment in his life. He wrote a poem in related to his struggles with life and that’s how he
Andrew Diamond Guadagnino English 3 11/12/16 Themes Throughout Edgar Allen Poe’s Stories Edgar Allen Poe exhibits many different themes throughout his poems and short stories, most readers see his stories as consistently and exclusively putting death at the fore front in themes but there are countless other themes that Poe puts in his stories and poems. These themes include love, uncertainty, subconscious self, nature, human imagination, hope and despair so one can see that Poe is not as death oriented as many people think and say he is. The first theme I will be focusing on in this evaluation is death, Poe wrote many if not most of his short stories and poems focusing on death for example in “Eldorado” the main character can only fulfill his goals through dying, another example is “The Raven” where the main character is increasingly focused on imminent
Out of the stories and poems we read all semester, I would say Poe was an interesting fellow. Even though death was a major topic throughout his writings, but the way he handle death was tactical and smart. The way Poe attacks his perpetrators in his stories are very fascinating, he takes his time by observing and analyzing key points like his characters do. I believe that Poe was trying to prove a point at that time period his work was written, by seeing how people is afraid of death and how do people cope with death, when it is their time to leave this beautiful planet called Earth.
A virtuoso of suspense and horror, Edgar Allan Poe is known for his Gothic writing style. His style is created through his use of punctuation, sentence structure, word choice, tone, and figurative language. Punctuation-wise; dashes, exclamation marks, semicolons, and commas are a favorite of Poe. His sentences vary greatly; their structures are influenced by punctuation. Much of his word choice set the tone of his works. Figurative language colors his writings with description. Such is observed in the similarities between two of his most well-known short stories, “The Cask of Amontillado” and “The Tell-Tale Heart”