
Analyzing Jef's 'The Fly'

Satisfactory Essays

The Fly

Jef is a green haired, untalented, twenty-one year old person who was also a small person that has no knowledge. The protagonist of the story.
Fly has two wings, four legs, two hundred one eyes, red eyes, and is also annoying. The antagonist of the story.

Jef was walking to his “home” . His home was disgusting and smelly because it is a dumpster.
Jef usually imagines a lot a stuff so he imagined that he was sitting on a couch.
All of the sudden, he noticed that a noise was circling his head. He looked around, but there was nothing there. So he went back to sleep to hear that same strange noise. He looked around again and he look straight at it. It was small… Had wings… It was annoying… IT WAS FLY. He grabbed his bubble gun, he

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