
Analyzing Laurel Blossom's Poem 'Fight'

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Would you want to live in a world where everyone is the same? If you answered no to that question, then what is wrong with being different? Everyone says be yourself but when you do you get hassled about it, but when it comes down to it, everyone wants you to blend in and be “normal”. We are all made unique for a reason, and just to clarify, unique is defined as existing as the only one or as the sole example; single; solitary in type or characteristics. Honestly, living in a world full of the same people would make your life dull and humdrum. In the poem “Fight,” Laurel Blossom lists many differences between her and a mystery person in a manner to where it seems as though she is exasperated to the fact that they are like night and day to each other. Is Laurel really livid that her and this person are not alike, or is she misunderstood, and she just wants the mystery person to be as alive as her and not be sheltered? The poet, Laurel Blossom, is a very intelligent woman. She understands that being different …show more content…

It could be a sister or even a brother; it could also be a boyfriend or a best friend.It is most definitely someone around her age to whom she is close to because she talks about the mystery person wanting to get married. Just out of personal experience, you aren’t going to know that about a stranger or even someone you have met before that you might seldomly see. Future plans is something a close friend, brother or sister, or boyfriend would tell you. Laurel shows her true emotions when she says, “You want to get married. I want to be free./You do not seem to mind that we disagree./ And that is the difference between you and me”(Blossom 13-15). Laurel stating that she cares that they disagree leads me to believe it is a best friend or a sister because the thought of that person getting married is scary to her because she feels like she will lose them when they get

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