Would you want to live in a world where everyone is the same? If you answered no to that question, then what is wrong with being different? Everyone says be yourself but when you do you get hassled about it, but when it comes down to it, everyone wants you to blend in and be “normal”. We are all made unique for a reason, and just to clarify, unique is defined as existing as the only one or as the sole example; single; solitary in type or characteristics. Honestly, living in a world full of the same people would make your life dull and humdrum. In the poem “Fight,” Laurel Blossom lists many differences between her and a mystery person in a manner to where it seems as though she is exasperated to the fact that they are like night and day to each other. Is Laurel really livid that her and this person are not alike, or is she misunderstood, and she just wants the mystery person to be as alive as her and not be sheltered? The poet, Laurel Blossom, is a very intelligent woman. She understands that being different …show more content…
It could be a sister or even a brother; it could also be a boyfriend or a best friend.It is most definitely someone around her age to whom she is close to because she talks about the mystery person wanting to get married. Just out of personal experience, you aren’t going to know that about a stranger or even someone you have met before that you might seldomly see. Future plans is something a close friend, brother or sister, or boyfriend would tell you. Laurel shows her true emotions when she says, “You want to get married. I want to be free./You do not seem to mind that we disagree./ And that is the difference between you and me”(Blossom 13-15). Laurel stating that she cares that they disagree leads me to believe it is a best friend or a sister because the thought of that person getting married is scary to her because she feels like she will lose them when they get
1. The narrator is in the mountains, because the narrator wanted quiet isolation to do some writing.
Abandoned by her mother at three-year-old, married at the age 19, three children at the age of 26, and with only a fifth-grade level education. My mom was in prison for a month after struggling to cross the Mexican border into the United States. My mom came to American seeking a better future where my siblings and I did go hungrier to be able to survive. The poet is describing the word “Migration” that takes a different method in relating what is crossing the border as well as tense perceptive effects that occur when it comes to crossing the border. Rosa Alcala’s poem has persona, metaphor, images and figures speech the author can illustrate the feeling of the poem as attentive vagueness.
To start all of this, the first poem that will be presented is “Nikki-Rosa”.This poem clearly tells and explains her life as a black child living in a black family and community. The poem states how it felt like for her to live in a poor family and how she managed to survive in those conditions. She literally had to bathe in a barbecue grill which she refers to as a “Big tub where folk from Chicago barbecued in”. She also explains how much hard work, effort, and pain her father had to deal with while selling his stock, in order to maintain his family. In line 30 of the poem , it states “ Black love is Black wealthy”. This sentence means that they didn’t care if they were poor and had no money because they had a beautiful and wonderful family,
Life is an extremely unfair situation for Liz, as well as her best friend, Marlee. Life is supposed to be happy, and easy for children, but instead for these children, as well as all the other children in the book, The Lions of Little Rock, life is tough, and you had to be careful, especially if you were colored like Liz. This book is alike the to poem Black Fists in the Air because both are extremely against segregation. Furthermore, the mood of the book and the poem are close to the same. Both are sort of dark, ad the narrator, and the people in this book seem depressed. Finally, both the poem and the book use comparisons to show how unfair discrimination is. The poem Black Fists in the Air, and the book The Lions of Little Rock are both very similar in many ways.
Out of around 7.347 billion people in the world, there is not one person who is the exact same. We all have physical differences, we all talk differently, think differently, we have different interests, motivated differently, different drives, desires, we all have different goals and dreams.
As humans we believe that we are unique and there is nobody in the world who is exactly the same as us. However our uniqueness originates from our life experiences and these events we experience drive us towards certain characteristics that mark who we are. No matter how unique you may feel there is likely someone else in the world who has gone through similar situations.
We must decide for ourselves whether to conform to such a social etiquette. We are taught as soon as we are old enough to grasp the idea that it is bad to be unique and to avoid being different. At some point, however, we must decide within ourselves whether to spend every day trying to be like everyone else because society says we should or living each day true to ourselves. Our strength as a person is proven through what we decide. The benefits of being true to ourselves greatly outweigh any negative aspects of choosing that path.
The idea that is associated with this portrayal is that of transformation, but also maturation. The refusal to blossom is a denial of her right of independence and individuality and most importantly the refusal to give her any equal standing
Till this day no one has ever lived the exact same life as another person. While we can experience similar situations or be in the same place as an event was happening, the event would never be exactly the same. This is because we have diverse thoughts, views and feelings. Diversity also allows us to make our own decisions on what we want to do and who we want to be.
Conformity, most people do not like it and most people do. There would be a time where you would want to be the same as someone is probably if you and your best friend wear the same exact outfit and you two might say, “Twinsies”. Do you ever wonder what it would be like if everyone dressed the same as you and not just one person? In a dystopian novel, The Giver by Lois Lowry, everyone is forced to live the same way. Everything in the Community is the same. For instance, their clothing, skin tones, the size of their family, house, everything is identical. That is just how their community works. If everyone in the world lived the same like The Giver, society would not have originality and diversity. Just imagine living in that world instead of your world here where everyone is different.
I believe this is a poem about the speaker’s interaction with a past lover. In the first 15 lines in this poem she is using the word “Bitch”, to represent her internal feelings towards her past lover. The imagery is very vivid in this poem. She uses very descriptive phrases like; “Bark hysterically,” and “Slobbers and grovels,” in order to convey about her inner bitch. In lines 19-27 she gives a vivid picture of this rocky relationship she had with this man. She then uses the bitch, devoted and loyal, as a metaphor for the feelings she had for the man. It is inferred that she behaved as a loyal loved puppy and this man neglected her. For instance, lines 20-21, “How she would lay at his feet and looked up adoringly/though he was absorbed in
Poetry is a reduced dialect that communicates complex emotions. To comprehend the numerous implications of a ballad, perusers must analyze its words and expressing from the points of view of beat, sound, pictures, clear importance, and suggested meaning. Perusers then need to sort out reactions to the verse into a consistent, point-by-point clarification. Poetry utilizes structures and traditions to propose differential translation to words, or to summon emotive reactions. Gadgets, for example, sound similarity, similar sounding word usage, likeness in sound and cadence are at times used to accomplish musical or incantatory impacts.
Nobody is the same because each person will form his own identity to what ever they want to be like”
Dylan Thomas's poem "Fern Hill" represents the passage of one mans life from boyhood to adulthood and the realization of his mortality. The speaker in this poem uses expressive language and imagery to depict a tale of growing up. The use of colour adds life and character to people and abstract ideas. He looks up to
Emily Dickinson is one of the most interesting female poets of the nineteenth century. Every author has unique characteristics about him/her that make one poet different from another, but what cause Emily Dickinson to be so unique are not only the words she writes, but how she writes them. Her style of writing is in a category of its own. To understand how and why she writes the way she does, her background has to be brought into perspective. Every poet has inspiration, negative or positive, that contributes not only to the content of the writing itself, but the actual form of writing the author uses to express his/her personal talents. Emily Dickinson is no different. Her childhood and adult experiences and culture form