The first media usage I am going to analyze will be Facebook and the agenda setting idea. Agenda setting is repeated news coverage of an issue over time that raises importance of that issue in the public mind. In the past week when I logged onto Facebook, all I saw were posts about whether or not you should kneel during the national anthem to protest police brutality or stand. Most people who don't watch football would not have any idea of the debate going on. However, since it is all that is being talked about on Facebook, more and more people are seeing it and making it more of an issue. For example, the University of Iowa is hosting a police brutality protest during our homecoming game this upcoming weekend. This post has been shared all …show more content…
Selective exposure is when people chose media channels and messages that they are in agreement with and ignore those who do not. I use selective exposure in a variety of ways through my different social media channels. For example, on Instagram and Twitter I use it by choosing to only follow people who I know and share certain values with. I chose to ignore and not follow people who I do not know or don't agree with what they post. Thats what great about social media, is you can choose your audience and can remove or follow people whenever you want too. Another way I use selective exposure is on snapchat. I only add friends if I know who they are and only view peoples stories if I care to see what they post, I don't watch other peoples stories if I have no interest in doing so. Selective exposure in media allows you to only follow who you want and choose what you want to …show more content…
Instead, you get the option to only see the posts you want. Consequently, I think this will have long term effects on my behavior but it is a good thing because it is more efficient. As far as agenda setting goes, I don't think it will have any negative effects on me personally, because its what other people post. If anything I feel agenda setting will keep me more involved and up to date on issues because the more people post or share something the more I will see it. Another theory we discussed in class that I think might effect me in the long term is the spiral of silence theory. The spiral of science theory is when people who believe their opinion is not in the majority, they will not speak out on a contested issue for, the fear of feeling rejected or isolation from a social group. This is true for me, sometimes when I feel like my vote or stance is not in the majority of what others are saying I don't say anything about to contribute because I am afraid I might get rejected by them. I need to learn to voice my own opinion even if it is different from
Media as a whole has evolved alongside with the growth of technology, that give us new ways to interact with each other with social sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc… It also gives way for individual to get more information to get in touch with our culture. But often times, some of the information were given to us by media can be ignored and interpret it differently than the original meaning, especially the depiction of minorities in media. It is hard to watch any form of media in today's society without seeing some kind of injustice toward minorities or the representation portrayal of that particular minorities in the form of entertainment value without being analytical and invoke some kind of negative reaction toward that kind of representation.
Media can impact individuals understanding about the operations of the criminal justice system in different ways. Three ways media impacts individuals are based off the fear of crime, attitudes, and police effectiveness.
The media plays a huge part in society in the twenty-first century and it seems as if people cannot live without the internet. The Dallas shooting was a massive shooting against the police. Police officers believe that multiple shots were firing from all sides. Dana LeBlanc is an American citizen that understands the social problems in her country because of the news and police. She explained to me, "I do believe there is racism in the United States but we should look at everyone
The media has grown and become more prevalent in the lives of everyday people, causing it to be a very large industry that looks to expand its audience and be profitable while doing so. Elections are very important to people and the easiest way to access the information regarding the candidates is through the media. “Agenda setting can thus be seen as another name for successfully performing the first function of framing: defining problems worthy of public and government attention.” (Entman, 2007). The media pushes their agenda regarding
The media today is something that is used more than anything else by teens to obtain information about the world. “Social media in this day and age cannot be ignored; it is now a critical part of presidential politics, it has been part of the revolutions in the Middle East and its going to be an unavoidable part of high-profile legal cases; just as traditional media continue to be” (Hochberg 1). The media have reached the peak of influence since the beginning;
One example of media usage would also be the Bloody Sunday scene as it really does a good job of showing what is going on inside people's heads. After watching the scene of everyone running off the bridge, it cuts to people watching the events of what had just taken place. It shows people are concerned and truly disgusted as the people know this isn't right. We even see the president worried, as this is a really bad look for America. The media convinced the people to support the movement, ultimately allowing them to accomplish their goal.
The problem with media is that things are left out. For instance, a video may show a cop tackling a suspect and harshly detaining them, but the video does not show what lead up to that tackle and use of force. The media also only shares the “interesting” stories which makes
In the more recent years due to the increased use of the everlasting advancements in technology, such as social media; and biological understandings of how the human brain works, the American media has corrupt many different aspects of the American society such as politics and racial discrimination.
We can see media plays an important role in this issue. The increasing usage of
“The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” This quote is from a speech in 1963 from Malcolm X and the media’s effect against the progression of civil rights.. Just a simple news article has the power to change laws, the way people think and possibly change the world. People may not even believe what the media tells us is true but in some way, shape or form, it's slowly sculpting our brains into a robotic program that can not tell the difference between right and wrong. Because of this many serious issues that may turn out to be good have a bad reputation due to negative media stories about the
One of the largest ways the media influences public opinions is through the news. News outlets report on local and world events, often applying their own bias to advance an agenda (Cavender, 2004). In general, entertainment television depicts crime, especially violent crime, far more often than it actually occurs in the real world (O’Keefe, 1987). Crime is more often than not presented to the public in two ways: crime is violent and criminals are nonwhite (Gilliam, et al, 1996). When put together, these two factors have
In our democratic society, mass media is the driving force of public opinion. Media sources such as Internet, newspaper, news-broadcasts, etc, play significant roles in shaping a person’s understanding and perception about the events occurred in our daily lives. As long as the newspapers, internet, network television, etc, continued to be easily accessible to the public, the media will continue to have an influence in shaping its opinions. Factors such as agenda-setting, framing and priming help shape the public opinions. Agenda-setting is when the media focuses their attention on selected issues on which the public will form opinion on, whereas framing allows the media to select certain aspects about the problem and then
Media is the most effective method of mass communication. There are many different sources of mass media; broadcast, advertising, digital, hypermedia, interactive, multimedia, new media, news media, print media, published media, recorded media and social media( 2017). Considering all the different forms media can take, it isn’t all too shocking that media has had an influence on deviant behaviors. The media’s influence though, is attributed to promoting deviance rather than reducing it.
The evolution of mass media has affected our social institutions: family, religion, morality and education, on an unprecedented scale. For most of us in the American culture, the new forms of mass media are entwined with both of our personal and professional lifestyles. Understanding how the development of these forms of mass media has been and continues to influence our American culture is vital. It will help us appreciate the role media plays in our life and will also help us to be more informed as citizens, consumers, and employees. Barnett, 2004 noted that “The Internet is the decisive technology of the Information Age, and with the explosion of wireless communication in the early
How has media influenced public perception of political figures, issues, and institutions? Through agenda setting and framing, media has the power to set the agenda for political discussion by providing public attention to political figures, issues, and institutions. In addition, the media can frame political agendas by influencing public perception and interpretation. (Ginsberg, Lowi & Weir, 1999)